chapter 9:emotions

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Nicoletta's POV:

opening my eyes to a dangerously quiet house is something I always worry about. I check my phone ITS 1:45 AND NO ONE WOKE ME UP jumping out of bed. I put on some shorts and a crop top,brush my teeth and head downstairs.

where is everyone? The table is set but no one is there. the living room is empty,no one is in their bedrooms.I check the various rooms in the mansion my father and mother picked out years ago. Am I alone in the house?

walking back to my room a grasp pulls me down the stairs and i fall. jumping back up feel the grasp pull me and i manage to turn around in a 360 kick and land it perfectly thanks mom the masked man is now on the floor and i kick him in the head before pinning him down and pressing my knee on his back "owowoe OK NIKI STOP I GIVE UP" why is antonio "ANTONIO DOMENICO HELIOS RIVERA WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING" getting off his back and helping him up he takes off his mask

"what the actual fuck is wrong with you i could have killed you!" he sighs "she's right Antonio i told you it was a bad idea" turning around i see my father leaning on the the wall by the stairs. "you knew about this? DAD YOU KNOW WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF I COULD HAVE DONE SO MUCH MORE THAN JUST KICK HIM IN HIS THICK SKULL" Antonio spits out blood "i was going to show you that the world isn't so kind and you need to start dressing to protect yourself but you proved me wrong" i hear a cackle from the kitchen "AND YOU NOW OWE ME 50 BUCKS TONI'' hazel walks in stopping next to my father.

"I told you she's a bad bitch Antonio she doesn't need protection from cruel men" looking at everyone Vinchenzo and Luciano walk in Luciano not to far behind them "Antonio your one idot" both of my brothers laugh. I'm absolutely furious with my brother.

"your telling me that you attempted to full on attacked me to prove a point that's completely outrageous" i turn around to face him now i should crub stop him maybe that will show him "Antonio i'm gonna fucking kill you,someone hold me back before I RIP HIS HEAD OFF" i charge tword my brother killhimkillhimkillhim my mothers voice replays in my head.

my fathers grasp holds me back but i wiggle loose only to be caught by Vinchenzo and Stefano "let me at him if anyone is gonna learn a lesson today it's gonna be him" i try to get free but i can't "God calm down your acting like mom when i broke her vase" his eyes widen as to what he just said and my body fills with rage. I can feel the emotion right under my skin and I feel like I'm going to explode. That's when both my brothers let go "you fucked up God can only save you now brother" i hear Vinchenzo step away.

without looking back i jump grabbing my brothers head and he falls to the ground with a big thud. "whores don't get treated that great in the world" leaning down pressing his head down with my hands "i can't wait to show you what happens to stuck up asswipes'' standing up i kick him in the head not as hard this time and step over him let all the rage out now feel in run though your body like blood my mother voice is becoming more prominent in my little fits. punching his face over and over i feel someone pull me away from him and throw me over their shoulder.

"LET ME DOWN VINCHENZO" he ignores me and starts walking up the stairs

he makes it to my room without putting me down even though I was kicking and punching him that's gonna bruise he sets me on the bed and sits next to me I'm still boiling with rage "I'm gonna kill him I don't know when but I'm gonna do it I'm GOING TO KILL YOU ANTONIO" rushing to my door Vincenzo makes it there first shuts it and stands blocking my way out. I'm clenching my jaw out of rage and go to my bathroom slamming the door shut.

Pacing back and forth trying to keep myself in the bathroom,eventually I find myself sitting on my counter staring into my mirror. You really do look like her. You have her blue eyes, her nose and her lips, you're a monster just like her. All you do it destroy destroy destroy. Admiring my face I see warm tears stroll down my cheeks. I don't know if Vincenzo is still in my room so I bite my lip to keep any sobs I may have from coming out.

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