chapter 19: club ultra

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Waking up I'm alone in Lucianos bed but his shower is on leave before you see something you shouldn't even if you want to. Sitting up I rub my eyes and jump down from his bed leaving his room as quiet as possible.

Making my way to my room I step in walking to my bathroom only to see a stressed out hazel going through my makeup bag. "Good Morning you" she jumps a bit and her face displays panic.

"Niki where is your color correcting pallet and where the fuck were you sleeping because you weren't in bed" i laugh walking up to her and i put my hands on her shoulders

"first off calm down  secondly i slept in lucianos room,nothing happened and three why do you need my color corr- HOLY SHIT" i pull her hair away from her neck i examine the many hickeys placed on her skin. "I know its bad'' she sits on my the side of my bathtub placing her head her hands i laugh a bit

"And that's not even the worst part" she removes the oversized tshirt and her entire body is covered in hickeys and little bruises slapping my hand over my mouth she puts her shirt back on

"i'm actually freaking out" i laugh again "yea i heard you guys last night at like 5 am i've never ran away from anything so fast." Walking over to my bottom drawer i grab my color correcting pallet

She lets out a sigh "lets figure out some clothes for you and then see if well need all this today alright" i put my hand out and she grabs it. Walking into my closet I look around.

Picking out some jeans and a crop top  i hand it to her "now well only have to cover your neck and" looking at her wrists they have small bruising on them "just a little on your arms put these on"  i grab a top that could pass a bralette and some black jeans and put them on.

"Now we'll be matching in a summer heat wave" she smiles pulling up the jeans. Walking back into the bathroom I wash my face,brush my teeth and brush out my messy hair. Hazel walks in and grabs the palette. I walk over to grab some brushes and a beauty blender.

After about 15 minutes she's all covered up and we make our way downstairs. "Good morning everyone" we take our seats and I look at Luciano whos smiling at me so I smile back "morning niki"

my father steps at the table taking his seat at the head. Vincheno stares at hazel all confused and she smirks at him. "Why are you both wearing jeans in the middle of an actual heat wave?" Antonio sips his coffee "why are you wearing suit pants and a dress shirt?" he nods

"So niki a few of your mothers people have entered Milan in search of celia. one specifically named Blaise knows the most about your mother so we need to get him"

taking a sip of my orange juice. I nod "oh alright so what's the plan?" he sighs folding his hands "i didn't want it to come down to this but because of your skill set you're the best fit to get him"

I furrow my eyebrows. "what do you mean?" I tilt my head, cutting up my egg. "You're very good at acting and he has uh,um" my father closes his lips into a line "a purity kink" vinchenzo has a very playful tone to his voice "ugh gross" absolutely disgusting.

i'm not one to kink shame considering i have some unusual ones but anything with the attraction to child like behavior seriously grosses me out. and i know usually most kinks stem from trauma but i still find it strange.

"You tend to give off the vibe that is required and as much as i hate it you will be very useful" am i missing something "why do you hate it i just have to act all nice and sweet get him alone knock him out and u guys take him" my father lets out a sigh.

"That's not the case here, your mother trained him to observe people if he sees any of us even look at u he'll think something is up and run,your going alone" i breathe in oh thats not so bad my eyes run to lucano who is gripping his fork and his jaw is clenched he doesn't like this plan ha

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