chapter 67: hades

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Sitting at the table, mammá sits down next to me  "what should we do today" she sips her coffee and my brows furrow "mammá what are you doing here?" my head tilts "i just wanted to see you one more time before i go" she smiles touching my face "i love you my sweet boy, i don't want you to forget that ever" i stare at her confused.

"I won't but, where are you going?" she smiles a bit "i'm okay now because i know you're going to be okay. i raised you to be strong" her hands drop from my face and she grabs my hand.

mammá stands up from the table and she collapses "mammá!" I walk over to her where she lays on the grass and her white dress is stained with blood.

I scoop her into my arms and grip her body. "I'm sorry" tears fill my eyes "don't blame yourself, you can't blame yourself" she seeps through my hands and tears fall from my eyes as she free falls into the pit of darkness "mammá!"

my eyes shoot open and are blurred with tears.
my hands stay chained above my head and blood drops from my sides. they haven't hurt me enough to even be close to killing me and that's what makes this all worse.

"Are you going to talk? Are you now mute too?" Louis and Alessia sit down as a large man holds the knife in his hand "this isn't very religious of you" my voice is breathless as tears fall from my cheeks. another slash to my stomach causing me to scream.

"where the fuck is she! Where is rose!" i calm myself down "i said i don't know! they don't tell the whole mafia for reasons like this asshole!" That was it. That's all the energy I have left, I'm just waiting for them to kill me. another slash and my head raises up to the ceiling in pain.

there's gunshots outside what the fuck. my body's too tired to even fully process it. My head hangs low and I hear rustling and struggling as my tired body finally gets a break.

"Luciano" my eyes open to Vincenzo "vin" a few more unfamiliar people walk in "these people are here to help" there's a taller man with tattoos and a smaller woman with long brown hair.

vinchenzo plays with the chains as my heart pounds harder at the thought of niki walking through that door any moment now. "When I get you down it's going to hurt but I got you" i nod "where's niki" i let my head lean forward.

"i got the key" the small woman's thick italian accent enters the room.  she passes the key to vincenzo "luciano" dominico walks through "where is she?" i pull my head back to meet Vincenzo's face "You'll see her soon." I nod and the chains unlock above me, causing vinchenzo to grab me as my limbs fail me.

"stai bene ti ho preso stai bene" (you're alright i got you. you're okay" i hum in pain as i just lay on the ground on vinchenzo "who are they" i look at him "these are the Ambosi's, someone need to rule over new york and it can't be us" i nod as they both come into view kneeling down.

"our members are taking care of everything upstairs, we're bringing you back to the hotel to get taken care of" the short woman smiles "i'm amara ambrosi" i nod "piacere di conoscerti" (pleasure to meet you) my eyes shut and my body is too tired to correct my italian into english.

"ares ambrosi'' the man nods "luciano deluca" i take another deep breath as vinchenzo sits up "why isn't niki here?" i look at dominico and stefano "we've been drugging her up for three days, she almost uh" dominico looks down at my body.

"will talk about it later" amara ambrosi smirks "oh come on Mr.Rivera, my father was the same way when he saw me with hickeys dont be embarrassed it's apart of sex" she stands up "but this niki girl, i have to meet her. she definitely leaves a mark" she laughs as her finger brushes my collarbones this is the least of my worries "amara" ares glares at her.

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