chapter 62: arme à feu

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"you're stressful, you know that? you just love to piss me off" his arms fold in front of me as the doors close "it's like you get off to it" i tilt my head "well it's not like i hate pissing you off, it's fun." i shrug "especially when you're being an intolerable asshole who lets sluts like cassandra bonocchi feel up on them!" he tilts his head.

"like you didn't do the same shit with blades!" i roll my eyes "that was because you started it. i hit toxic with toxic stronzo" (asshole) he hums "then why were you fluttering your lashes at that dick in the bar!" he points behind him "because you pissed me off! what are you not getting!"

He steps away from me and stands next to me. We come to a stop on the fifth floor. The doors open to a mother and a small little boy in race car pajamas. He's 3 or 4 at most.

"hi" he smiles at us "hi" luciano waves at him and i follow "i'm danny" the mom bounces him a bit "sorry he just won't sleep so i'm taking him on a little stroll "it's fine, he's really cute" i lean on the back of the elevator.

"i'm niki and this is luciano" i point to luciano next to me "that's cool, im three" he holds his hands up as the elevator reaches our floor "i'm a little older than that" i laugh and the mom smiles while bouncing her child in her hip.

The elevator doors open "alright say bye danny" his mother looks at him "bye bye" he waves his hand at us and we wave bye turning down the hall to get to our room.

Luciano puts the card into the door and the click turns the light green so he pushes it open. turning the light on the room is exactly how i left it, i'm guessing luciano left after our fight.

"let's unpack and then go to bed" i grab my large black suitcase and take my jacket off placing it over the chair i walk over to the carryon and take out my knife and gun and place it on the thick wooden desk behind me.

"you're sleeping on the floor" I walk over to the bed and rip the comforter off practically throwing it at him "just because you're mad doesn't mean you have to be a total bitch" he takes a few guns out of his bag and places them to the side.

"you're acting like i'm the problem here" i walk over and grab my suitcase "all you do is retaliate!" he points at me "all you do is act like a complete asshole and expect everyone not to react!"

"Just because you're a crazy bitch doesn't mean you can control everything!" he points the gun in his hand at me "don't point that gun at me!" I grip my suitcase handle. "you're the one who got us in the place luciano! im so sorry i act the same way you're treating everyone!" I walk away from him and scoff.

I face away from him, taking a deep breath. "you just love picking fights don't you?" When I turn around he stands in front of the bed. "fuck you!" I don't think but I grab the knife on the table and throw it.

Luciano ducks and the knife lodges itself into the soft headboard. "you just tried to kill me you psycho bitch!" he holds the gun back up at me and i smile "what? you're going to shoot me?" i fold my arms and tilt my head. the gun clicks and i laugh "oh my god you so are" i smile wider.

"We'll if you're going to do it, at least clean my brain off the walls before tomorrow'' I hold my arms up and step slowly towards him. when i'm only inches away from him i send him a smirk.

He points the gun down towards me. I stick my tongue out and start at the handle of the gun, I glide my tongue on the cool metal with a smile. The bitter metallic taste makes me laugh a bit as I watch his face react. I keep eye contact as I wrap my lips around the gun barrel.

Luciano's lips part as I stare up at him with my hands behind my back and flutter my lashes. "fuck" he speaks under his breath and swallows hard. I smile and hum as he pulls the gun away.

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