Chapter Seven

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I rushed into my room and immediately grabbed the photo album from my desk. Time was passing so quickly, and I couldn't find my CD.

The backpack.

I hadn't really touched it much, so I figured the CD was in the front pocket. With that assumption, I threw the backpack over my shoulders and bolted down the hallway. I heard Jamie and Steven arguing about me in the kitchen, so I eavesdropped a little.

"You left her at the restaurant!"

Jamie snarled, "She deserved it! How do you think she got home?"

I didn't mean to, but I spoke.

"I got here the same way I'm leaving."

They both turned their heads toward me. I felt like a deer staring into headlights. I flung the door open and saw Sam's speeding car in the distance. He slammed on the brakes and jarred his ride to a stop.

As I ran to my side of the car, I heard Jamie yell my name. I didn't hesitate to get in the car.

"Sam, I feel sick to my stomach," I groaned. He started to speak some incomprehensible words, so I just sat quiet and looked out of the windshield.

"You know, I've never done anything like that before," Sam spoke as he clenched his fists around the steering wheel.

"I've never done anything like that either. That was awful."

All he did was nod his head.

I struggled to take my backpack off of my shoulder, but I finally managed it.

"You're not wearing your seat belt!"

Sam pointed at me. I dropped my backpack in the floor and buckled my seat belt. I didn't bother asking where we were going, but I still wanted to, nonetheless.

I fell asleep when Sam started to navigate through traffic. When we came to a definite stop, he honked the horn to wake me up. I jerked awake, and he seemed to get a kick out of it.

"Gets them every time," he said with a dorky laugh. I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my seat belt.

"Where are we?"

I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times.

"We're at Joanne's. Can't you tell?"

He gave me a nudge on the shoulder and got out of the car.

"Why are we here?"

I trudged along behind him.

"I heard that Gaga came back earlier, and you lost your phone."

He stopped walking until I caught up to him.

A few minutes later...

Sam and I searched around for the waiter from earlier, assuming that he knew where my phone was. He was absolutely nowhere! After a couple of dirty looks and rude stares, I decided that I wanted to leave.

"It's not here, Sam. Someone probably stole it."

All of the sudden, a female voice startled us both.

"You mean this?"

A waitress that I hadn't seen yet held up my phone.

"Yeah, that's actually what we were looking for."

Sam took it from the woman and pulled her over to the side. I watched him dial a phone number and make a call, but the words on his lips were illegible. It was really awkward standing alone for the time being, so I started to hum Gypsy until he came rushing back over.

"Follow me," Sam whispered with a smile stretched across his face from ear to ear. We made it to a reserved room toward the back of the restaraunt, and there sat Cynthia and what seemed to be Stefani at a table in the corner. I nearly fainted.

"Remember how I told you that my boss and Gaga were friends?"

Sam whispered with a smile still plastered across his face.


He laughed, "He was her math tutor in highschool! If she's really your mom, she'd never turn you down!"

I grinned and kept that in mind.
Here's the next chapter! I promised I would update soon, and here it is. XD
I'll update again tomorrow! Stay tuned! <3

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