Chapter Ten

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When the sun rose, Sam started rummaging through his box of Lady Gaga merchandise. You know, the merchandise he specifically told me not to touch.

"Hey, what's this?"

I picked up a blue tin box with a cartoon character in a dress made of meat on the front. I grinned and looked it over.

"They're bandages, thank you," he said whilst taking them back.

"Is that supposed to be my mom? It looks nothing like her."

Sam started to laugh.

"You haven't seen enough pictures, Louise."

He finally found what he was looking for, and then he yelled.

"I found it! Look at this!"

Sam shoved a bag full of various items into my arms forcefully.

"What is it?"

I looked down and tightened my grip on the bag.

"It's artRave stuff. I got it from the concerts my friends paid my way into."

I nodded very slowly as I examined a light-up pacifier in a package on the top of the pile inside the bag.

"I thought you haven't been to one of her concerts yet... Maybe I'm just crazy, but you bought a pacifier at my mom's concert?"

He took the plastic bag back from me and grabbed the pacifier.

"Well, yeah. I've never put it in my mouth or anything. And if I told you I've never been to one of her concerts, I lied."

His cheeks turned red and I started laughing.

"Here, I think you deserve it."

He took the package out and set the package into my hand gently. A toothy grin spread across his cheeks.

"Put it in. I want to see you wear it like your mom did."

I took the pacifier out and put it around my neck.

"It's sad that I can actually picture her wearing this."

I stuck it in my mouth and crossed my eyes, leaving him in the floor knelt down by the box. He was throwing a fit of laughter, and I didn't even think what I did was all that funny.

He showed me the picture of Mom wearing the pacifier, and I ended up in the floor laughing as well. I think I laughed for about ten minutes, to tell you the truth.

"I forgot I have work today."

I could almost see his cheerful bright blue hair turn into a dark blue.

"Well, you'd better get ready to go. I've got nothing else to wear but this," I said, pointing at the outfit I had already been wearing.

"Cover it up with this, then."

He tossed me a leather jacket that wasn't previously on the counter before we started looking at pictures this morning.

"When did that get over there?"

I took the jacket and put it on.

"When you were laughing, I put it on the counter."

I didn't remember him ever even getting up, but then again, I was nearly hysterical.

"Well, thank you."

He nodded and started toward his closet in the other corner of the room.

"It didn't fit me anyways."

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