Chapter Two

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When we arrived at the shopping mall, it was still as silent as it was on the way there. Jamie and I didn't say one word to each other the whole twenty minute trip.


Her voice startled me. I opened the car door and unbuckled my seat belt. I turned toward her and spoke,


Jamie got out of the car and I rushed over to her.

"She never meant to hurt your feelings by leaving you."

Jamie reached for my hand, and I almost denied it.

"How could she not mean to hurt me," I smirked.

"She's a great woman with great talents, you know?"

We walked in the automatic doors, entering a food court.

"Well, yeah. I lived with her."

Jamie never pulled her eyes off of the ground.

"She told me to be the mother that she never was. Since I can't have children, she confronted me, and I took you in. Just thought I'd tell you."

She bumped shoulders with a man, causing her to let go of my hand and immediately apologize. I sat there laughing silently until she turned back around. Jamie stopped walking and took a deep breath.

"Well, thank you for being so kind," I smiled. She shook her head.

"It's fine, don't thank me. So, you want to know what your real mom sounds like, now that she's famous? I think you're about the right age."

Nothing has made me more impatient in my life. Without answering her, I started running toward the music store she pointed to at full speed. As soon as I arrived, I paced up to the front desk.

"Do you know anyone by the name of Lady... Gaga? That's it."

The scrawny teenage worker nodded, and his blue hair swayed with his head.

"Yeah, her newest album's over here."

He walked a few steps to a CD rack that had many colorful works of art displayed on it. He pointed to an album by the name of "Cheek to Cheek."

I grabbed it and looked down at it, one-hundred percent confused. Jamie walked in and jogged over to me.

"I see you've found one of them," she said, panting.

"Yeah, but who's this guy?"

I made an almost disgusted look, and I felt impolite. I just was curious to know who was next to my MOM, that's all.

"It's Tony Bennett."

The guy grabbed the album out of my hand and looked down at it.

"Why are you interested in Gaga, anyways? The Metallica display is that way."

He pointed west of where we were standing.

"Gaga's my mom."

Jamie's eyes widened.

"No, she meant that-"

The guy laughed.

"She's a Monster, too?"

Jamie nodded and looked around frantically.

"What's a Monster?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and read his name tag.

"The name's Sam. Monsters are what Gaga calls her fans. You're not aware of that?"

I shook my head and grabbed another album labeled "ARTPOP."

"Is that her, too?"

I looked at Jamie with a toothy grin on my face. She blushed and nodded.

"Yeah, it is."

I chuckled.

"She looks silly."

Sam's eyes immediately grew sad.

"So, you aren't a Monster? I doesn't surprise me, I can't find anyone to talk to about Stef these days."

Stef. That's what Dad used to call her. Jamie waved her hands in a circle.

"No! No! She's a huge Monster, or whatever you call it. She loves Lady Gaga. Just like a mother," she nearly said with a growl.

"Oh, sweet."

Sam smiled and looked down at the ground.

"Well, we've got The Fame, The Fame Monster, Born This Way, ARTPOP, Cheek to Cheek, and a few remixes. And, I've got a couple copies of Red and Blue in the back. We got those CDs ages ago. The boss was really good friends with her."

Sam grinned and Jamie pulled her wallet out.

"How much for all of them?"

Sam fixed the collar of his red and black flannel shirt.

"I'll give them all to ya' for fifty bucks even."

Jamie smiled and almost threw two twenties and one ten dollar bill on the counter.

Sam put the albums in a large bag and took the receipt from the machine. He grabbed a pen and wrote something down on the back of the receipt, and then he put it in the bag.

"Have an awesome day," he waved with one hand in the pocket of his black skinny jeans.

"You too!"

Jamie held the bag close to her with a small smile across her cheeks.

"What is it?"

I poked the bag and Jamie guarded it like it was her child.

"It's a phone number, Louise."

I turned my head back toward the shop, and Sam was sitting on the counter with his hands in his lap.

"From Sam? It's his?"

Jamie pinched my side gently.

"Yes, just be quiet about it, okay?"

Her cheeks were red, almost as if she were angry. I hoped she would let me use her phone to call him. He could tell me more about my mom, and where she's at.

"Do we even have a CD player?"

I looked at Jamie and smiled as we kept walking.

"Of course, do you think we live in the eighteen-hundreds?"

I shrugged.

"Sure seems like it," I mumbled toward her. She looked at me and whispered,

"Well played, Louise."

We arrived at the Apple Store, and I felt really awkward when we stepped in. Every time I had asked to go, she would say, "Maybe next time."
She put the bag in my hands and told me to sit down on a bench next to the door. I sat down, but all I did was watch Jamie. She walked straight over to the iPhones and had someone come over there to help her. Luckily, Jamie was really quick with what she was doing. However, she was very secretive about it, too. Every time she caught me looking at her, she would turn her back toward me.

After about thirty minutes, I got tired of reading signs on the wall, so I reached in the bag and pulled out the first album my hand came across. It was ARTPOP. I flipped it over and read the songs on the back. One song title caught my eye immediately. Gypsy.
Did I have it on CD before the world did, or did she lie and run a copy from her laptop? Either way, I was a little frustrated.

Jamie walked over to me with an iPhone in her hand.

"I thought since you've got a new friend," she paused, "I'll get you something to call with. It's not much."

I took the phone carefully.

"You really didn't have to do this, Jamie. Thank you so much."

She nodded and smiled.

"It's the least I could do."
I'm really enjoying writing this story. I have no idea how long it will be, but hopefully you all will keep reading it. Please tell me what you think! :3

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