Chapter Three

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When we got home, I ran to my bedroom with the bag of albums and my new phone. After I shut the door and flopped down on my bed, I pulled Sam's phone number out of the bulging plastic bag and stared down at it.

I feel like I come off to others as a cave woman or something. I'm just now getting my first cell phone, and I don't even know how to work it. I forgot to mention that this is also the first phone number I've ever received from someone outside of my family- The Coopers. I've only been in a public school for one year, and that was third grade. Any chance of making friends was out of the question. My real mom, Stefani, took me out of public school before fourth grade because she didn't want me to get hurt. So, even now that I'm here, I've never been to a public school after that.

I honestly never thought the first number I would receive would be from a guy. Much less one with blue hair. I dialed Sam's number and he answered almost immediately.


"Sam," I blurted, "it's Louise. The girl from the store."

He laughed and it sounded like he dropped something.

"Hey, Louise. I see you found my number. Um," he paused, "did you want to talk about something, or..."

I laughed.

"You're being just as awkward about this as I am. Anyways, I wanted to ask you some questions about Lady Gaga."

I heard him whisper, "Yes!"

"Okay, cool. So, is her real name actually Stefani?"

"Yeah, it's actually Stefani," he laughed.

"Where is she at right now? I need to find her."

"Woah, woah, woah. You can't just march in some place and demand to see Gaga. If you think you can, she's at Joanne's."

"What's that?"

There was a long silence.

"You're joking, right? Do you live under a rock?"

"Pretty much," I snapped back at him.

"It's her parents' restaurant. Why am I not there right now? I'm working. I'll text you right after we hang up, okay? I've got a customer."

He hung up the phone and left me in shock. I had no idea what had just happened, but I blew off a chance to ask real questions about my mother.
My phone made a shrill noise, and I nearly threw it. Just a text message.

"If you're wanting to know more about Gaga, there's websites for research, lol."

I text him back.

"Send me a link please."

He did just exactly that. I opened up the page on my phone and read her biography. I stayed in my room researching her name for hours.

"Does Lady Gaga have more than one kid," I typed out of curiosity.

"Jessica Kinney, 15."

I was very confused, but I finally realized she had just disguised me as Jessica. I was cool with that, I guess. I scrolled down the page and found something that caught my eye in particular.

"Giuseppe Kinney, 6."

Why his name wasn't next to my name, I have no idea. I had never heard of a "Giuseppe" in our family other than my grandpa. I've been here eight years, Giuseppe is six.

I shook my head in disbelief.
I immediately called Sam again.

"Sam, Sam, Sam!"

He yelled back, "Quiet!"

I was a little embarrassed, but hey. I've got to know some things.

"How many children does Gaga have?"

He chuckled.

"First of all, calm down. Second of all, she has had three. Two living children, one's gone."

My eyes welled up with tears.

"What are the living kids' names?"

Sam sighed heavily.

"Jessica and Giuseppe?"

I kept pulling answers from Sam.

"Why did the other one die?"

Sam muttered, "Car accident in Chicago. We didn't know her name or age, but she was young."

I started to bawl.

"Are you okay, Louise? You're a bit too attached for your first lesson."

I shook my head, but I realized he couldn't hear me.

"You don't understand," I wailed.

"They are my family, and I can't lie to you about something this se-"

He hung up the phone. Now that he thinks I'm mentally insane, I might as well go back to living under a rock.
Before I do, though, I figured I may as well look up the address to Joanne's.
I'm running out of ways to turn this story around. XD
I hope you all are enjoying it so far!

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