Kidnapping own girlfriend (ii)

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The whole family and the servents of them were totally amazed to see the scene

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The whole family and the servents of them were totally amazed to see the scene. Sumedh slowly came with Mallika in his hands and put her on the sofa. He then explained them everything.

(Note: He has only mother and his father has died in a car accident. His mother also use wheel chair for moving. She knows everything about Sumellika and Mallika's condition. So she totally supports Sumedh though he has kidnapped Mallika from her house.)


I opened my eyes and found myself in an unknown place. I then saw that there was a huge crowd in the house. I heard someone screaming . I slowly got up and moved through the crowd. Then the scene infront of me just froze me. Shekhar was lying like a dead body on the floor and his body was red with blood. There were bruises and marks on his whole body. And there Sumedh was constantly arguing with my uncle.

I know that Sumedh has anger issues. Whenever he gets angry , even he can kill a person. And I think Shekhar has been the prey of him for his misdeeds.
(Pov ends)


Sumedh was sitting beside Mallika caressing her hairs where his mother was busy in making an Ayurvedic medicine for Mallika. Then they saw that Shekhar and Mallika's uncle along with few people  arrived there . They all were burning in anger. His uncle screamed,

"Hey Mr. Mudgalkar, how dare u u 😤
to pick Mallika from her marriage?"

"Just shut your fucking mouth  and get out of here."(S)

"Hey ,u why have u kidnapped my fiance ? Give her back right now?"

Shekhar exclaimed and then he saw that Mallika was lying on the sofa. Soon he rushed to her and was going to touch her when he got a hard punch on his face. It was the moment Sumedh lost his control and for being so angry,he started to beat him badly . Everyone and uncle tried to stop him but failed miserably. After making him almost half dead,he left her and said with blood shot eyes ,

"If u dare to touch her again, it will be the last day in your whole fucking life......I will just kill u .....kill u....kill u....kill u...kill u...damit ."

(Note: His mother is not present as she is  in her room which is on the first floor and she can't move to downstairs without the help anyone. But as all maids have gone to the spot where this is going on between Sumedh and Shekhar. So she couldn't come to the spot)

Uncle was also scared a little but he somehow gathered courage spoke sternly

"Have u no education or culture that u have brought a girl who is going to marry someone.......chii ?"


"Yah I have braught her or should I say that I have kidnapped her  ........whatever it's not your business......then why r u interfering in our personal life ?"

Sumedh said in a loud voice and Uncle also replied,

"What r u saying? It's none of our business.......I am Mallika's uncle......and u ,a false boyfriend of her , r telling me this......U have no right on her but we do.....who r u in her life......tell me come on tell me.....?"

"Do u want to know who I am , I am her husband........she's officially mine and I have full rights on just stop this melodrama........and for your kind information, I have got married to her today and she's my wife......if u don't believe then look at her.......her hair partition is full of vermilion which has been put on by me....Mr.Sumedh Mudgalkar the prince of Hyderabad.......and look at her mangalsutra which I , Mr Sumedh has made her she only belongs to me......not anyone else......did u get that?"

Sumedh replied making everyone shocked including Mallika. Mallika was numb to listen everything. She was not understanding she should cry or smile. Tears brimmed in her eye corner. She didn't know that she loved a prince. Here Uncle was overjoyed to know that he was a prince. He then said politely with false tears to get the impression,

"Sorry beta ,I should understand's OK if u want her u can keep her with u.......I am her uncle and I love her so much like my own daughter ......that's why it's a matter of being tensed for us as we want best son-in-law for our daughters......"

He couldn't complete his sentence as Sumedh held his collar tightly . He said,

"What did u say, u love her ?"
"U think her as your own daughter "
"U , a bloody bitch, I know everything how much torture u do with Mallika......don't u dare to say it again...."

He was telling a sentence and beating him. The other men who were with Uncle and Shekhar rushed to them. But within few minutes, they were also found lying in the floor with blood. And Sumedh was constantly beating Mallika's uncle very badly. Mallika was scared to see it and she was totally clueless. She knew that Sumedh could kill them if he wasn't stopped. Then she understood what she could do in this time.So to calm him down,she soon rushed to Sumedh and held his hand begging to leave him. But he jerked his hands and continued to beat his uncle and his men. Mallika now pulled him and hugged him but still he wasn't quite .He was going to pull out when he felt a soft touch on his lips.

Yeah, Mallika had put her lips on his lip to calm him down. Sumedh now calmed a little and he also started to reply her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she was clutching his shirt with her one hand and other hand was kept on his neck.

Here others maids giggled and put their hands on their eyes. They both were lost in the kiss that they didn't notice that there were also many persons present in the house. Mallika came back to sense and was going to break the kiss but Sumedh was not ready to leave. Soon after almost 6-7 mins, they both broke the kiss. Mallika blushed and hide her face on his chest and he also wrapped her with his hands.
Then Sumedh sent everyone to the hospital for treatment and offered them money strictly restricting them from coming around their for any time.
Finally after a week ,their wedding was held by observing all the rituals perfectly. They both started to live happily........


I know that it has been little drama type

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I know that it has been little drama type. I know that  I couldn't explain the conversation and incidents of Sumedh and Mallika's uncle properly. I am really sorry for it . But I hope u can imagine actually what I want to write .
Anyway hope u have liked it.
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