My Heart Beats For You(ii)

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4 years later....


Sorry Sumedh for not letting u know this fact. I am leaving u. Actually I am tired of being with u. Today I realized that I don't feel the sparks or any kind of attraction towards u like before. The time has come when we both should part our ways. U should move on. Forget about me and don't try to look for me. I want to forget everyone and everything that was related with my past. I am leaving u......

Bye. Take care.


I read the letter again absorbing each and every words . I still couldn't digest the fact that she had turned out to be a cheater. It was unbelievable. The Mallika I had known was naive and kind girl. But this Mallika was heartless and a bitch. It had been 4 years, she had left me. 4 years of me being lonely. At first, I didn't believe in the letter. I madly searched for her for a fucking year. I had sent her endless messages and calls but she didn't pick up her phone. I tried to track her address but later it came out to be false. She never returned. She left me broken and withered. My family tried to make me remarried but I had denied it. How could I ,when still I loved her, only her ? Despite of her betrayal, I still love her so much. A part of me still believed that she would come back to me and she had left me for any specific reason.

She hadn't informed it to her family even. They too hated her for doing it. I too tried to hate her but it was not possible. My love for her was stronger than my hatred for her. I hated myself for being so vulnerable and still having feelings for someone who wasn't worthy of it. These three years, I too had moved on according to her suggestion. Yes, alcohol was my companion and it gave me relief in my distressed situation. I had turned to be rude, arrogant and heartless as people now portrayed me like that.

After departing from my office, I was escorted by my bodyguards. I directly went to Mallika's house. I hadn't heard of them for a long time. Besides, my father had told me to invite them for a family dinner which was supposed to happen just after two weeks. When I moved into their house, I was welcomed by Mallika's mother who seemed to be crying for a long time.

"What happened, Aunty ? Why r u crying ?" I asked her. She suddenly burst into crying and hugged me.

" sick." She choked while saying the sentence which made me frozen on the spot.

"Mallika?" I whisper asked her.

"Yes, she is very sick." She said while sobbing. Without wasting any time, I rushed into the living room. The scene infront of me was enough for me to stumble my feet as my throat went dry all of sudden to witness Mallika lying on the couch breathing heavily. Her eyes were partly open and she was trying to catch breathe. Her hand was pressed against her chest when she was gripping the edge of the couch with her other arm. I stood there trying to adjust the reality infront of me.

She is here.

She is sick?

She is back!!!

I instantly moved near her and held her in my arms. I didn't realize when a tear left from my eye. Her mother was also beside her trying to sprinkle some water on her half-opened eyes. When she understood my presence, she tried to open her eyes properly and her hand cupped my cheek.

",I love...y..ou " She said with difficulties as her eyes filled with tears.

"Yes baby, I am here. U will be OK. Don't worry." I tried to console her. I picked her up and carried her in bridal style and I rushed into the hospital while her mother trailed behind. As soon as we reached there, we immediately admitted her into the hospital.

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