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11:03, the next morning
(first day of college)

you and da' besties fits 💅🏽

             y/n                      kimora                   ashanti

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y/n kimora ashanti

You and your friends had woke up a whole 2 hours earlier because you wanted enough time to get everything ready without being late on your first day. You took extra time in the shower to do the usual girl things, and by the time you got out, the water had gone cold. You got out and grabbed your shea butter lotion along with your scents of choice from Victoria Secret, and went back into your room.

You and Kimora already had an outfit picked out for today from your mini shopping spree last night. All you had to do was install and customize your wig and do your makeup. While doing that you played music—not too loud—to get you in the right mood to leave your house. You heard muffled shuffling coming from your bestfriend's rooms and then your door open.

"Ouuu bitch you bad as fuuckkk," you saw Ashanti walk in with Bleu in her arms, cradling him, "you sure you not tryna bag a nigga today?"

"Pretty sure bestie, you look good too," you said as you applied your lashes, letting your tongue loll out of your mouth a little out of intense concentration.

"Damn I don't wanna leave Bleu-Bleu by himself, you think i could smuggle him into class with me?" Ashanti asked, popping her hip out while tilting her head in deep thought. "Umm bitch no, you should've just left his ass in Memphis," you looked back at her like she was crazy.

"Now you know my OG would've sold him to them white folks that chew dip and smoke crack," Ashanti scrunched her face up in disgust just thinking of the possibility.

"Welp he gon have to be here, you finish classes before me and 'Mora anyways so he not gon be that lonely," you hook your jumbo hoops to your ears and stand up from your vanity, straightening out your clothes. You heard Kimora's footsteps walk from the kitchen and stop at your doorway.

"We really look good asf, see Y/n I told you that corset you look good on you!" she came over and shifted your corset a little.

"Yeaaa I know I know," you chuckle a little, grateful that she talked you into buying it. "So a bitch forgot to buy coffee so we gon have to get it on campus today,"

"Goddamnit Mora, I need to have my black crack right nowwww," Ashanti whined, as she bounced like a spoiled child.

"'Shanti you can wait till we get there, we finna leave right now anyways so are y'all ready?"

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