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"Uhmm... surpriseee???" you nervously said, face and neck growing hot with pure embarrassment.

"Why am 'I', not surprised?" Armin said as he put his hand to his forehead and shook his head.

"Umm- it's not what it looks like-" you unwrap your legs from Eren's waist and sat up a little, but Eren kept a firm hold on you, keeping you down.

"Yeah, right. Eren, get off of her and let's get back to the party. Y/n, bring the weed so we can get these rotations in." Kimora then wrapped her arm around Armin's arm and pulled him out of the doorway, closing the door as they turned to walk back down the hall.

Eren lifts his body up off of yours and helps you stand from the bed, and you nudge him slightly away from you. "Eren?! You got us in trouble...! Ain't this like the second time they've walked in on us?!" you scolded, then started to fix your bodysuit.

Eren furrows his eyebrows and grins in disbelief, "Me?! I think we're forgetting that you were the one who kissed me first," he retorted, and you paused in place, widening your eyes in realization.

...I actually did kiss him first... how the fuck did I forget that?

"Well...." you hurriedly say, looking in his eyes, "you're the one who kept playing with me...!"

You smoothed your hair out and fixed the placement of the bunny ears as Eren scoffed and lowered himself down to your level, "Well, we should go anyways, before they come back to find us in that same position..."

You widened your eyes at that remark, and put your hands on his chest, pushing him away in defense, "Okay okay, lemme go get my stuff," you swiftly turned and fast walked back to the bathroom to get your phone and other necessities.

You pickup your wide-tooth comb and look in the mirror, going over the ruffled parts in your hair. When you felt like it looked fine, you fixed the counter a little bit, then picked up the rest of your stuff, along with the bag of weed, and turned to walk out.

You come out to see Eren on his phone leaning against the door frame, his hand holding on to the top of the door frame. He notices you walk out, and breathes out a sigh, "Quite a long time to be just getting your things, am I right?"

You roll your eyes and stick up your middle finger at him, "Go to hell Jaeger." You wear your bag over your shoulder and grab his hand, pulling him out of the doorway.

You led him down the dim lit hallway and down the stairs, hearing the loud bass of the music grow stronger as "All Of A Sudden" by Lil Baby played.

You mumble the words, matching up your steps to the beat of the song as you got to the bottom of the steps.

You walked into the kitchen and living room, gasping in awe. The place was a dim purple from the LED lights on the ceiling and fairy lights littering the floors, sofas and counters. Bottles of liquor and packets of backwoods, swisher sweets, and dutches were lined up on the counter.

Most of everyone had already arrived, including some faces you hadn't seen before, and most of them turned when they heard your footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Glad to finally see you two," Ymir sneers as she pulls Historia closer to her on the couch, and you roll your eyes at her sarcasm, "Hi, Y/n!" Historia chirps after her.

"Mind your business 'Mir, and heyyy my baby, y'all look good tonight!" you respond as you walk over to the kitchen counter, where Kimora and Armin were sitting.

"Ouu, liquor... bae pour us a shot while I break down these blunts," you say as you pick up a pack of swishers and rip it open with your teeth. Eren nods and pops open one of the bottles, and grabs two shot glasses.

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