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TW: mentions of domestic violence.

a/n: ^ that's Malik (incase some of yall forgot)

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a/n: ^ that's Malik (incase some of yall forgot)

okay? okay let's get into it 😌.


"I need you to tell me why the fuck you was with Destini and didn't think to tell me?!?!" you spat at Malik. You were standing on the other side of his kitchen counter, watching him nonchalantly roll a blunt while you got increasingly angry at him.

"Bro why the fuck do you need to know?" he responded back to you. You cocked your head in surprise.

"Why the fuck do I need to know??? CAUSE YOU DOING SNEAKY SHIT BEHIND MY BACK WITH A BITCH I CALL MY BEST FRIEND?!" you raise your voice to a yell, and he looked at you like you were crazy.

"Yo who the fuck you yelling at?" Malik raised his voice as he put the half rolled blunt down on the counter, scowling at you.

"Nigga you ain't nobody special, I'll talk to you how I want!" you walk up to him, looking him dead in the eyes, "DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT FUCK MY BESTFRIEND?!"

He pinched his eyebrows together, then shook his head and picked up the half rolled blunt, "Bro back yo ass up man, i'm tryna roll up."

It was as if everything went blank for you. The pent up rage in you finally snapped and you actually saw red. Not only did you know he fucked your now, ex bestfriend, but he was flat out ignoring the question on top of that. He didn't even try to lie his way out, which would've been worse anyways. The absolutely betrayal you felt in that moment almost instantly turned into anger and hatred.

"BRO FUCK THIS WEED BRUH," you slapped the blunt out of his hand. It hit the ground, scattering its contents all over the kitchen floor. You didn't register what happened next till you were pinned against a wall with your arm restricted next you and a strong hand wrapped around your throat, quickly cutting off your oxygen.

"You think you can disrespect me in my own fucking crib?" Malik growled in your face, "You must be out yo' rabbit ass mind!"

You wheezed and desperately tried forcing his hand off of your neck with your free arm. He lifted you off the ground,—your legs dangling and kicking under you as you struggled to break free—your head quickly getting more and more fuzzy.

"I'ma show who you really fucking with, bitch." You faintly hear Malik say as you slowly slip out of consciousness.....


"AHH FUCK-" you yelled as you jerked up from bed, grabbing at your neck and throat. You felt like the breath was knocked out of your lungs, as you struggled to catch your breath.

"God damnnnn," Eren said in a high-pitched voice, pressing the heel of his palm against his ear and looking at you with a concerned look on his face, "what happened? Are you okay??"

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