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As you walked through the doors leading back inside you took another look at your watch, scrolling to find the text Eren sent you.

ej 💞
Don't let her manipulate you into being her friend... okay?

You scoff as you look up to where he's sitting, conversing with Armin and Kimora and taking the occasional puff from the blunt. You walk over and slide your hands on top of his shoulders, giving them a little squeeze.

"Do you really think I'm that naive?" You say lowly up against his ear, sliding your hands down his chest, "Or are you just worrying too much?"

Eren clasps his hand together with yours and pulls you down a little lower to whisper near your ear "Did you really think I wasn't going to worry about you?"

"C'mon, I told you not to worry about me didn't I?" you say in between giggles, and he pulls you from behind him and sits you in his lap, "I'll always worry about you, ight??"

"Mmmm, I guess so..." you say, rolling your eyes as your smile grew wider. You reach for the Hennessy bottle and a shot glass and pour another shot, to give it to Eren.

"Drink it or you ain't getting no play tonight," you say, a feigned smile plastered on your face. Eren blows a breath of laughter out and takes the shot glass in his hand.

"You win," he says as he lifts his glass up in a 'cheers' gesture, before dumping the liquid into his mouth. You nod in approval, before picking up an empty red cup and pouring the vodka and fruit punch that sat in the middle of the table.

You mixed the two drinks, putting a little more fruit punch than vodka for a pleasant taste, and took a sip of it, making a satisfied "mm" sound afterwards.

Eren ashed the blunt before handing it to Armin, and you put the head of the untouched backwood in between your lips to light the butt of it, before Kimora spoke up.

"Y'all wanna get changed and play some games on the patio?"

Nods and hums of agreement echoed one after another as most of everyone approved of her request. Connie and Sasha got up immediately and raced each other up the stairs as Historia and Ymir stands from their spot and walked hand in hand to their room as well, followed by the group of five.

As the others disappeared up the stairs, that only left you and Eren, along with Armin, Kimora, Jean, and Mikasa.

"Uh Jean and Mikasa, I saved a room for y'all up stairs, it should have a sticky note that says 'reserved' on it," you said as Jean and Mikasa looked up from talking to each other.

"Oh, okay bet," Jean replied as he stood up with Mikasa and they exited the kitchen, to disappear up the stairs shortly after.

"Well, we should go get changed as well, I'll tell everybody to just meet outside and do whatever till we all get down," Kimora said as you saw Eren set his phone up in front of the both of y'all. He clicked on the Instagram app and slid it to the camera as you stared at him through your peripheral.

Kimora got up as well, taking Armin's hand in hers and leading him out of the kitchen, disappearing up the stairs. "See y'all later," she giggled as Eren wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed the record button.

"Boy what is you doing?" you put the blunt down and laugh as Eren wraps his arms around your waist and plants small kisses on your neck and shoulder, as the previous song fades out and "Come Thru" by Summer Walker fades in.

"Ouu shit this my song hold on," you say excitedly as you slide off of Eren's lap and 'dance-walked' to his side as the intro phrase of the song echos throughout the kitchen.

"I should've known better, can't even pretend like I don't want it again," you sang to the camera as it recorded your 'semi-drunk' shenanigans. You swayed your hips as Summer's voice rang through the large speakers.

Eren turned his chair to the side to face you, and turned you to face him as the song went on. You placed your hands on his shoulders and positioned yourself in between his legs as you started to sing along again.

"It's the way you put it down, I don't want no one else around," you pointed at Eren and slid your hand up to his neck, as his hands roamed your waist and hips.

He hummed the melody as he watched you sing and sway your body, a growing smile playing on his face as joy and warmth filling up his entire being because of the semi-drunk woman in front of him.

"You make me wanna come thru, quarter after two, just to put it down on you. You make me wanna replay, all the things that you and me, we do."

He started to mouth the words back at you as you sang them aloud, running his hands down the sides of your thighs, then back up as he rose to his feet. You stumbled back a little bit, but grabbed onto his bicep as he pulled you up straight by your waist, and pulled you into a sensual kiss.

You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled his body, flush to yours. Your manicured fingernails slid up into his bun, loosening the hair band that kept it in place.

Eren pulled you even closer as he slid his pierced tongue inside your mouth and wrapped a hand around your neck, taking full control of this kiss and making your head spin with excitement.

You pushed back, moving your tongue in time with his, and trying to take back some control. You dug your nails into his shoulder as you unknowingly started to lose balance, while coaxing a gentle grunt from Eren, until he realized you were two seconds from falling over.

"Woah woah woah there," Eren hoisted you up to prevent you from tipping over, then he hooked his hands under your thighs and picked you up off the ground, "Let's sober you up a little first, and we still have to get changed."

You groaned as he positioned you in a better position, "Babyyy... pleaseee." You slumped over on his body, relaxing your head over his shoulder.

"It's very hard to say no to you like this, but we can't right now, okay baby?" Eren rubbed your back and kissed your shoulder, then picked up an untouched water bottle for you and his phone. He stopped the recording and saved it as he watched some of it play back, smiling to himself.

"You're adorable," he mumbled under his breath as he turned to walk back to the stairs, still carrying you as he ascended to the top, and walked to your shared room for the night.

He opened the door and flipped the lights on, walking into the room. He patted your back to wake you up, just incase you'd fallen asleep on the way up, "Time to get changed baby."

He bent forward a little to put you down, but you locked your legs together around his waist to prevent him from getting you off him.

"Noooooo, carry me," you whine, as he places his hands on your waist and tries to pull you off of him, "Stoooooppp Eren, please..."

"Babyyyyy as much as I want to... I can't carry you, everyone's waiting downstairs... you gotta get down," Eren said as he pushed on you slightly, and you finally relented, planting two feet on the floor and turning on your heel to walk towards the bathroom.

"Don't be mad okay?! I'm doing this for you!!" Eren shouted as you walked into the bathroom, and you poked your head back out, narrowed your eyes, and flipped him off.


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