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"'Ren, I want you... please don't leave me like this..."


The tension builds in the room, being the thickest in the decreasing space between you and Eren. The heat radiates off of his body onto yours as you pull pull him down to lock your lips with his.

You wrap your arms tightly around his neck and cross your legs around his waist, and you feel his hand snake around your waist to pull you even closer to his body.

You pull your hips up to slowly grind into his, sensually rolling your hips in search of some sort of pleasure. The flow of Erens lips falters as he let's out a stifled groan when you nudge the right spot.

"Fuck..." he whispers, breaking the kiss and burying his head into your neck, "you, are you even able to make rational decisions right now?"

Your breath quickens and you let out a muffled whimper as Eren latches his lips onto your jugular. "Why does that matter, I'm fine so... ooh-"

Eren bites down on a bit of neck flesh and drags his teeth across it, and you involuntarily buck your hips into his, "Because I don't want to take advantage of you,"

He lifts his head up and looks deep into your eyes, searching for any sign of inebriation, "are you sure about this? Don't push yourself-"

"I said I'm fine," you bite back, "so fuck me like you mean it." you pull Eren back down, giving him a challenging look.

He muffles a growl as he caves in and presses his lips against yours, pushing your lower half into the mattress and spreading your legs apart.

The kiss turns fervorous, as Eren pushes his pierced tongue past your lips to meet with your tongue halfway. You tilt your head even further to the side to deepen the kiss, slowly sliding your interlocked fingers away from each other to dig into his bare shoulders.

Eren's hands come up to grab yours and pull them off his shoulders, swiftly securing them above your head. He breaks the kiss to look at your loosely clothed body shamelessly.

He licks his lips, running the metal ball across his top lip as he undresses you with his eyes, "I'll never tire of this view."

He lets go of your arms and pulls your cover up off of your body, sliding his long fingers down your arms. Your arms fall to your sides, allowing the cover up to slide effortlessly down them, and Eren throws it off the side of the bed.

You watch his biceps contract and his abs define themselves as he lifts himself to sit on his knees, and he pulls his hair into a loose bun as he stares down at you lustfully. What a sight to behold...

"Legs up." he says in a deep and raspy voice, bordering on predatory, that sends shivers shooting into your core. The ability he had to make your whole body tingle the way it did in this moment was something you'd never experienced before, and you loved it.

You pull your legs close to you as he tugs your swimsuit bottoms over your ass and down the length of your bare legs.

He tossed the bottoms to the side and opened your legs back up to reveal your slick, glistening under the dimmed lighting of the room, and watched it pulse and clench in awe.

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