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flashback to the Monday after the party

"So how was the party? Big fuck you for not inviting me," Hitch joked at Mikasa as they walked out of their last class for the day.

Hitch Dreyse was Mikasa's dorm roommate, and best friend apart from Armin. Contrary to their 'polar oppositeness', they got along well and knew just about everything about each other. Hitch was a tad bit of a bad influence on Mikasa, but the latter didn't mind much, unless it really put them in danger.

"Sorry Hitch, it was supposed to be inner circle only... although there were some 'outer circles' that were there as well." she said, only slightly rolling her eyes.

"Well you can invite me to the next one, what a missed opportunity to get completely hammered," Hitch drags on, rolling her eyes.

Hitch was also a bit of an alcoholic, but thankfully she knew when it was appropriate.

"anyways, how's your boy toy? Are you guys on or off this time?" Hitch teases with a light chuckle, and a poke to Mikasa's rib.

"Who? Jean?" Mikasa asked, slightly confused as to why Hitch would think they were anything like that. Mikasa had only gone to the party and flirted with Jean that night to get her mind off her ex and his new 'plaything', as she liked to think that was the girls title to Eren deep down.

"Ew no, gross," Hitch grimaced, "I mean Eren! Have you reeled him back in yet?"

Mikasa averted her eyes, kinda of ashamed to tell Hitch the truth.

"Uh.. no, i haven't... That new girl, the one i told you about? I think they're getting pretty serious." Mikasa hesitated to say the last part. This made Hitch stop dead in her tracks, standing in the middle of the busy hallway.

"What?" Hitch said, disbelief written all over her face, "And your just gonna let the bitch have him? That easily?" Hitch exasperated.

"Well what the hell else am i supposed to do?" Mikasa said as they neared a small coffee table, sitting down.

"I'll tell you what you should do," Hitch said with a mischievous smirk on her face, "Make him come back."

Mikasa scoffed and rolled her eyes, "And how am I supposed to do that? They're literally always together, and he doesn't even go 10 feet near me without Armin." she lowered her head a little bit, fiddling with her neatly polished nails.

"That's where a little manipulation comes in.. you find a way to get him to come over to our apartment, alone of course, aaand i think you can think of the rest for yourself..." Hitch said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Mikasa looked ahead, in thought....

She suddenly shook her head, trying to forget about it. Who was she to bother someone over a relationship that she'd messed up? It felt pointless to even try.

"Whatever, i'm hungry. Let's go get some food and go back home." Mikasa said as she rose up from her seat again, and Hitch sucked her teeth in disappointment.

"Don't say I didn't try to help you babe, it's how i got my exes back," Hitch said, shrugging her shoulders.

Mikasa thought about it again..

What if i did actually attempt... would he actually agree...? What if he still...

Mikasa quickly shook her head once again, dismissing the intrusive thoughts. There was really no way he would actually agree to see her alone no matter what.. right?

present day

She stared at her phone, breathing deeply from the anxiety she felt. What Hitch said finally got to her, and she had sent the first text.

hey. it's mikasa. i need to talk to you about something urgent. come over.

She waited very impatiently, hands trembling from her anxiousness when she saw the three text bubbles pop up.

𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣 𝙟𝙖𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙧
...how did you even get my number?

armin gave it to me.. i told him i needed
to text you and that it was urgent.

𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣 𝙟𝙖𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙧
okay??? and what could be so
important that you needed to get my
number from armin?

Mikasa grew nervous at his question. She honestly didn't think this far ahead because she wasn't even expecting him to text back at all.

umm, well it's my mom. she got
really sick again. idk what to do
and i feel really bad... igs i just
wanted someone to talk to who cares...

Okay, that was a great big lie. Her mother was doing just fine, as fine as she could be doing with her chronic breast cancer, and Mikasa felt horrible that she lie on her mother's condition like that. But she was already in too deep, she couldn't turn back now.

There was no response for a while, which made Mikasa's nerves even worse, she instantly regretted lying like that, especially about her mother. She was about to type out a "nevermind" text until she saw 3 bubbles appear.

𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣 𝙟𝙖𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙧
i'm only doing this because i care
about the well-being of your mother.
yeah. i'll come. gimme 20.

Mikasa stared at her phone in utter disbelief. It was really that simple? well not really... but really???

She sent a quick "thanks" text and rushed into her roommates room.

"Hitch you have to leave, and fast!!!" Mikasa rushed out, lightly panting.

"Uhh, this is my house????" Hitch said as she cocked her brow up in confusion, "What happened?"

"I texted Eren.. he's coming over..." Mikasa said lowly, and Hitch perked up.

"Really??? Say no more, I wanna see one of my boy toys anyways, just don't make a mess and use protection," she said with a wink, and Mikasa chuckled nervously.

She shuffled back to her room and tried to figure out what to wear, when an idea popped in her head. She whipped her head around to her closet, to find one of her red VS lace sets.

What if this can actually work... maybe...


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