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continuation from ch. 11

You were just about to go down the hallway leading to where the restrooms were at when you bump into something, or someone.

You stumbled back a bit, trying to regain your balance. You really needed to watch where you were going sometimes.

"Shit, my bad-" you began to say, just before your heart fell to the deepest pits of your stomach.

What. the actual. hell?

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.。・ ・  ・゚゚・。

It was the one person you hoped to never see again, your ex boyfriend, Malik. You looked up at him, towering over you just as he had that day.

"Damnn, is that you Y/n?" He says in disbelief as he check you out, looking you up and down.

You froze in place, looking to the side, and then lowering your gaze to the ground. Your heart rate picked up as a wave of fear washed over you. No, this is not happening right now. This gotta be some sort of sick fucking nightmare.

"Oh so now you can't speak? Damn it's like that?" Malik questioned, trying to lower his head to meet your gaze.

You had thought you were finally past this, that life was just starting to fall back into place. You were finally starting to feel... happy. You feel your hands start to clam up, the heat from your body radiating onto your ears and palms. You ball your fists and slowly close your eyes, in an attempt to slow your heart rate down, taking deep breaths in and out.

"Yo, Y/n.." Malik says, making you freeze and snap your eyes wide open. You haven't heard him say your name in what felt like years, and it shook you to your very core. Flashbacks of that day came crashing down on you like a never ending pile of bricks, leaving you shaking, just like that very day.

You froze up again as he raised his hand to touch your chin, "look at me, I've been wanting to—"


Your breathing was shaky, you clutched your hand to your chest. You look at Malik in utter horror when you finally made eye contact, him looking down at you with a stoic stare. Because of the sudden noise, you heard soft murmurs around you. You looked around to see nearby people staring, which only amplified your feeling of vulnerability.

You glanced at Malik one more time, seeing him looking down at the floor, avoiding eye contact.

You shook your head for focus as you swiftly turned around to begin to fast walk back to your table. You look up to see Ashanti and Kimora quickly approaching you, Kimora's face painted with concern, Ashanti's with anger.

"Go the fuck back to where you came from bro. Y/n doesn't want to deal with your shit anymore," Ashanti said as she pointed behind him. Kimora wrapped her arm behind your back and walked you over to the table where the three men were looking at y'all.

You avoid eye contact with everyone—especially Eren— as you sit down in your chair and take a couple deep breaths, playing with the puffball on your keys.

"..Hey," Eren lowers his tone to a softer volume, rubbing your back in small circles. It startled you at first, making you flinch, but you relaxed in his touch soon enough. "Are you okay? Should we go?"

You sigh at his comforting voice bringing your anxiety levels back down. He put your mind at ease, more than you'd like to admit. But ruining everyone's day was the last thing you wanted. You could get through this, somehow.

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐍 || eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now