T W E N T Y - F I V E

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I've decided to update once a week; I'm burning out with school shit (SATs mostly)

Monday morning, Katsuki walked to school with Mic. He didn't trust Aizawa's timing *. He got to class early, as usual, and sat there with his head in his arms. He waited patiently for his group. Unfortunately Iida arrived before them, so he was stuck with the Deku-worshipping four eyes. Mineta arrived a minute later, oddly early. He headed straight for Katsuki, and handed him a note. Beautifully written and obviously not from the purple headed boy.

"Who's this from?" He inquired, reading it over.

"My mom, though my cousin wrote the last bit" Mineta explained. Katsuki nodded, refolding the note and slipping it into his bag.

"Since I bailed you guys out, you better knock the pervy crap off. Got it?"

"Yessir" Katsuki grinned but let it fade in favor of yawning. He slept good, why was he so tired? It was Monday, he realized, breath catching in his throat. Mother was going to be mad at him. He couldn't breathe. The cabinet was too small for him now, where would he go? The room was closing in, just like the cabinet. 

"Purote" The name rang clearly in his ears despite it being a whisper. He opened his eyes. When had he closed them. He took a deep breath, relief flooding his body. He turned to Mineta. 

"What?" His voice was higher than it normally was and he coughed, lungs not ready for talking after such a moment. 

"Do you want me to call you that from now on?" The boy squeaked. Katsuki was glad that. His previous moments weren't the topic. He nodded, slightly shrugging. 

"Sure, I don't give two fucks"

The short teen nodded back, "I'll call you Purote, okay?" Katsuki nodded his clenched fist, the sign for yes. He bit the inside of his cheek as the Dekusquad walked in, Invisibitch and Arms with them. 

"I won't say this twice, so thanks" he murmured  before turning to face the front. Mineta gave a soft 'Anytime' that made Katsuki happy. Hopefully the sticky quirked teen was changing for the better. (ʸᵃʸ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ ᵈᵉᵛᵉˡᵒᵖᵐᵉⁿ) Kaminari and Sero walked in, the yellowy-blonde. 

"Hey Katsuki!" Kaminari called, waving with a smile. Katsuki returned the wave, ignoring the burning gaze from Deku behind him. Kaminari skipped over and sat on Katsuki's desk, earning a lecture from Four-eyes. 

"How'd you sleep?" Kaminari asked. 

Katsuki smirked, "As best I could with Mic there. I can't tell if he used his quirk or not" Kaminari's face turned red and Katsuki laughed, "I'm just joking Pikachu, I slept fine"

"That's good! Mina wanted to go shopping after school, you wanna come?"

"Class hasn't even started and you guys've made fucking plans?"

"Is that a no?"

"I'm coming, dumbass. I can't leave you guys alone, you'll get arrested"

Kaminari laughed, "That's just adding a little spice"

"More like salt" Kaminari gasped dramatically, "Where's Shitty Hair an' Pinky anyways?"

"Guess what!" Kirishima burst in, Mina next to him. 

Kaminari burst out laughing, "You guys have the best timing!" He wheezed out. Aizawa stood behind Kirishima and Katsuki kicked Kaminari's shin, motioning to the doorway where their teacher stood. 

The coffee addict cleared his throat, Kirishima and Mina ran to their seats, Kaminari leapt over Earphone's desk to get to his. 

"Now that that's over. We'll be going over some situational awareness that some of you aren't aware of. Common things that happen all the time. Big villains aren't everyday occurrences after all. Things like purse snatching, mugging, Car thefts, and molestations happen everyday." –Katsuki glanced to the clock then returned his focus back to Aizawa– "When you start out, you won't be called in for the big villains. You need to build experience and awareness. For an example, Kirishima; if you're out and witness a woman's her phone getting taken, what do you do?"

"Smash the bad guy!" the red head grinned.

"Sure. But let's take in more of the situation; what if the woman doesn't seem upset about it, then what? Midoriya?"

"Uhm... Check with the woman?"

"Not quite, Todoroki?"

"Stop the guy then check" the two-haired teen monotoned. 

"Yes, You want to do your best to help the situation. Kirishima, you did the best with the limited knowledge, but you didn't ask for more information on the situation. Midoriya, You let the guy get away by going to the woman first, though you were right to check with her. Todoroki was able to do both. You never want to assume the situation, but as a hero it's your responsibility to help those as best you can, you can't afford to waste time on wrong choices. Now Iida, How about this: You see a high-speed car chase between the police and an unknown driver. Your quirk could allow you to catch up easily to the offender. What is your plan of action?"

"Well, if the police are engaging, then I have to let them do their job, unless they call me in. Chapter fifteen in the textbook said so"

"Correct, but what if the driver uses their quirk against the police. For example. Let's say Mina was driving and he used her quirk to stop the police cars"

"In that case, I'd still have to abide by the rules and wait to be called in"

"Actually no, In the case that lives are at stake those kind of rules go out the window. If It's possible that Mina's quirk kills a police officer, you should step in. Ok so Mineta, let's say you were in town patrolling at night and you see a woman breaking into a very popular cafe. You  should do what?"

"Call in backup!" the teen squeaked, earning a few scoffs. 

"Actually, that is correct, if you feel that you won't be able to handle a situation alone, it's always better to call for backup than not to. Okay, continuing, backup is taking too long and the woman will get away, what do you do?"

"Use my quirk to stop her"

"In this case, that works. Asui, You are chasing a mugger who ran. What do you do?"

"I go after them, I can use my quirk to grab them"

"That would work, yes, but let's say their quirk was..."

"Razors" Katsuki said as he propped his head on his hand, staring at the clock. 

"Sure, their quirk was razors, then what?"


"Jirou; you're nearby and see this, what do you do?"

Katsuki tuned them out in favor of imagining the sound of the clock ticking.

Word Count: 1122

Cʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ 'ʙᴏᴜᴛ Kᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ Sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs!! Iᴛ ʜᴀs Dᴀʙɪʙ ɪɴ ɪᴛ... ʙ ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄʟʏ

*Aizawa has officially never been late

((Spelling and grammar fixed))

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