Asahi x Reader

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Title: Awkward Kisses
No warnings

You were talking with your close friend and crush, Asahi. You were glad he went back to playing volleyball, he seemed much happier again. Right now, you both were talking about the class project that you both were paired to do.

"I am just glad I got paired with you Asahi..."

"You are?" He asked looking at you as he held the door open for you and you guys made your way to the volleyball court.

"I mean... y-yeah. I am not good with talking with people. You are so much easier to talk to."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." He rubbed his neck, and you couldn't help but flash him a wide smile. You didn't notice but his eyes lingered on you a bit longer than necessary, before he adverted his gaze.

"So after practice, my place or yours?" He asked and you placed a finger on your chin and thought about it.

"Well, I have my siblings that will want to climb you like a tre~"

"My house it is.." You started laughing as he cut you off and he couldn't help but laugh as well.

"Okay, I will text my mom during your practice." You said and he nodded his head.

"If your mom is worried about it being late, you can spend the night or I can walk you home."

"You know my mom won't want you walking alone in the dark Asahi. She will either have you walk me home and you spend the night at my house or I just stay the night."

"That is very true. Plus, I am pretty sure I am the only guy your father trust to let you spend the night." He said and you nodded your head. He once again opened the door for you, and you walked in before seeing everyone.

"Hey look Asahi brought his girlfriend!" Tanaka yelled. Everyone turned to look at you, and you and Asahi blushed a bright red.

"Guys its not like that!" Asahi said waving his hands in front of him.

"Y-Yeah we are only friends."

"Boo... there is clearly chemistry between you two..." Tanaka said.

"I mean did you guys know she sometimes spe~" You hit the volleyball angling for his face but it missed but he still fell backwards.

"Don't make it sound bad!" You said. The team started to laugh since it was a normal occurrence.

"With a serve like that, I am surprise you don't play volleyball..." Daichi said patting your head. You puffed your cheeks swapping at his hands. You were the same height as the first year, Hinata. Short. But you were a third year.

"That was by luck. Plus I suck at volleyball." You said waving your hands and he chuckled. You went to stand by their coach and sat on the bench. They began to practice and you text your mom. Once you got the okay to head over, you decided to work on your part of the homework. You sighed softly tapping your chin with your pen as you thought of what to research for your paper.

You glanced up occasionally to see the coach was serving them balls, when Asahi hit his he went to where you were to get some water.

"Hey..." He said and you smiled.

"Hey, mom agreed."

"Great... I see you already started."

"Yeah to make it easier..."


"(Y/N) watch out!" Hinata yelled and as fast as Asahi went to quickly pull you to his chest, but he ended losing his footing causing him to fall and you on top of him. It was silent as your eyes was squeezed closed until you felt something foreign on your lips. Your eyes open, and Asahi was blushing and you realized you were lip locked with him. You quickly parted from the kiss and scooted back off of him stuttering non stop.

Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now