Iwaizumi x Reader

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Title: Best friends
No Warning

You jumped onto Iwaizumi's back, and he stumbled before holding you up so you didn't fall. You laughed slightly hugging his neck despite the fact he was super sweaty.

"(Y/N)~ what are you doing here?" He asked adjusting so he could hold you up right. You ignored his teammates as they stared at you questioningly.

"You didn't notice?" You hopped down and he looked at you confused before you turned around showcasing you homemade jersey. It had his name on the back with his number and he blinked. He couldn't help but blush but smile before wrapping an arm around you.

"You are such a dork."

"Eh, that's why we are friends."

"Are you calling me a dork too, without calling me a dork?"

"Exactly what I am doing..." You said and he shook his head before packing his bags.

"I will head out first." He said leaving Oikawa behind causing the male to pout. You held Iwaizumi's hand as you both left.

"Was that Iwaizumi's girlfriend?" Kindaichi asked confused, You jumped on Iwaizumi's back and hugged his neck, not caring that he was sweaty. You laughed as he stumbled a bit but held you up looking up at you with a small smile.

"Hey was that Iwaizumi's girlfriend?" Kindaichi asked, and Oikawa shook his head.

"No, they are close friends. Though, I think he is in love with her." Kindaichi nodded, he didn't blame Iwaizumi. You were absolutely beautiful.

"Don't even think about it. None of us can touch her, not even me." Oikawa said patting Kindaichi's shoulder and he blushed since he was found out.

"Don't you have a team meeting?" You asked and he shook his head.

"Not until we get back, we have some time to ourselves."

"Good..." You said leaning into him, and he smiled looking over at you before looking ahead.

"If you wanted a jersey, you could have asked. I have extra and my coach would have given you one."

"Nah, I wanted to make it so it's more special." You said and he shook his head with a smile. Without thinking he kissed your cheek, but he froze. You whipped your head to look at him, and he actually had a blush on his cheeks.

"I am sorry, I just..." He was cut off by you pressing your lips to his cheek in return.

"There we are even." You said and he gripped your hand a bit tighter before looking away. You both ended up outside away from everyone, and you leaned into him. You both stopped walking and he glanced down at you with a small smile. He felt his heart racing non stop, he figured now would be the best time to confess but he wasn't sure if he should.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh nothing..."

"Liar..." You said and he sighed softly before turning to you.

"Come on Hajime, talk to me mmf..." He pressed his lips to yours, and your eyes had widen in shock. You froze for a few seconds before wrapping your arms around his neck and leaned more into the kiss. You began to kiss him back and he rubbed your sides slightly before hugging you tightly.

He soon parted and noticed that your face was really red. He smiled slightly and you met his eyes before standing on your tippy toes and pressed your lips to his again. He gladly kissed back and you tangled your hands into his hair sighing into the kiss. His grip tightened a bit on your waist but made sure he wouldn't hurt you as you both made out right there.

"I love you (Y/N)... I have for awhile. Since middle school."

"I love you too, you big dork. I didn't think you felt the same because you never said anything."

"I am sorry." He said with that rare, goofy smile on his face. You smiled back and buried your face into his chest, and sighed softly.

"Better be..."

"So you will be my girlfriend then?"

"Of course, now I can tell all the other guys I am off the market."

"Other guys?"

"Well yeah, they kept confessing to me non stop. Since I was single, nothing was stopping them." Iwaizumi's hold got tighter and you could tell he was getting slightly jealous.

"Don't worry, I turned them all down saying someone already had my heart." You said causing the male to relax a bit with a small smile.

"Next time tell me. I will scare them off."

"No need to be mean."


"Unless it's Oikawa..."


"He confessed too, almost got me killed by his fangirls." You said and that made Iwaizumi rather... irritated.

"I am gonna kill him." You couldn't help but laugh.

"Calm down, not right now."

"Fine, plus I rather spend my time with you anyway." He said sitting down under the tree and pulled you into his lap. You blushed slightly but leaned against him closing your eyes. You began to poke at his arms, and he looked down confused.


"Oh yeah, you have an arm muscle fetish."

"It's not a fetish."

"It's a fetish."

"Is not..."

"You enjoy biting muscly arms..."

"You make me sound weird..."

"You bite my arms often..."

"I can't help it... I wanted to be held by them but you never hugged me. I was surprised you let me jump on your back today."

"Ehh, I just didn't want to be too close before."

"Well now you are stuck with me..." You said looking up at him, and he smiled kissing your lips.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now