Lev x Reader Pt. 2

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Title: Love At First Sight 2/2
No Warning

After hours of trying to figure out what to wear with no help of Kenma's you were finally ready. You were nervous and fidgeting in place as you waited for Lev, Kenma was busy playing his game.

"Why are you so nervous? It's just Lev..."

"It's Lev... gosh you don't understand... this is my first date, and Lev is so cute."

"Not really..."

"Tsk, don't be like that, you are cute too Kenma~" You began to pinch his cheeks but he swatted at you like a cat that was annoyed.

"Stop that, I am just saying. You will be fine, Lev really likes you. He wouldn't stop talking about you at practice, Kuroo managed to convince him to continue his practice for hours on end because he said you would think its cool."


"Yes, so you will be fine," as if on cue you heard the door bell ring, and you rushed down.

"Have fun, be safe." Kenma said and you only hummed in response with a small smile. You opened the door to see Lev shifting in place and you gave him a bright smile when he looked at you. He had a small blush on his cheeks and as if it was some cliche movie you both spoke at the same time.

"You look amazing.. Oh thank you...Er..." You both fell silent before you both started laughing .

"Let's go," you grabbed his hand and he laced his fingers with yours.

"Where are we going Lev?"

"I was thinking, maybe the cafe?"

"Okay!" You smiled and swung both of your hands together, and you guys fell silent. Neither one of you knew it but Nekoma's volleyball team was following you guys. Right after you left Kuroo made Kenma come along to watch how the date went.

"I don't see why we are doing this." Kenma mumbled.

"Our little Lev is growing up, we have to be there every step of the way." Kuroo whispered.

"Yeah, plus its cute seeing how nervous he gets around her." Yaku spoke up while Yamamoto was crying cause Lev had a girlfriend before him.

"Not fair, he gets a girl before me..."

"Oh hush, plus she is out of your league." Kuroo said and Yamamoto felt like he was about to die.

You and Lev arrived at the cafe and he opened the door for you, remembering his sister's advice. He then led you to the corner in the back, so you guys were isolated. He pulled a chair out for you and you sat down before he sat in front of you. It was quiet and Lev's hands were shaking a bit so he glanced at the waiter, you didn't notice as you looked at the menu.

"Lev what are you getting?" You asked and he jumped looking at you.

"Uh, I was thinking maybe the chocolate lava cake... a milk shake."

"Hmm I think I want (favorite dessert) with (favorite drink)."

"You can get anything you want, I am the one paying."

"You don't have too."

"I want to, this is a date. I am the one to pay for everything."

"Uhm, okay if you are sure." You gave him a wide smile which he returned, suddenly the waitress came and handed you a bouquet of (favorite flowers).

"For me?"

"Yep, there is a note in there too..." She said and you looked at Lev who was blushing.

"Lev, you didn't have to do this."

"J-Just read the note... after we order..." He said and you nodded and you both ordered before she walked away. You opened the note, and began to read it aloud.

"(Y/N) (L/N), I like you a lot. You are really pretty, smart, kind, and just perfect. You are very much my first love, and I won't ever let you go. I hope this date goes amazing, and you will agree to be my girlfriend. I suck at writing romantic things really, but if its for you I will do all the romantic things for you. (with the help of my sister). Meeting you the first day you got transferred (which was just a couple days of go) I knew I absolutely head over heels for you. I got nervous when you sat next to me, and like I am so happy you agreed to this date. When I am around you, I feel really happy as happy as I am when I play volleyball. But with you, I am even happier! I think I am just rambling at this point! Err love you!



"Lev, I don't know what to say."

"Maybe say you love him too..." You jumped and looked around and didn't see anyone and you blinked.

"Did you hear that?" You asked and Lev nodded looking around as well.

"But the magical voice has a point..." He said nervously.

"Oh right I love you too Lev! Yes I will be your girlfriend." You said laughing softly and Lev smiled widely as your desserts came. You both began to eat, and Lev watched you with a smile. Your cheeks were puffed like a chipmunk with dessert and you looked at him and he laughed softly. That caused you to blush and he wiped your cheek.

"Kiss the girl." Lev quickly looked around confused, this time though you didn't hear the voice.

"You okay Lev?"

"Uh... yeah..." He sat back down blushing confused, and you were confused too.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's just I keep hearing voices but not seeing anyone."

"It's weird and creepy." You mumbled and sipped on your drink, he nodded and went to eat his dessert but he heard the voice again.

"Kiss the girl...."

"Kiss her..."

"Kiss her..."

"Okay!" Lev yelled at the voices which caused you to jump and stare at him.


"Err, yeah..." He said before leaning over the table and placed a kiss to your lips quickly. The sudden action made you gasp and blush a bright red. You both heard some cheering and you both parted and stared at the plant.

"I uh... sorry...." He stumbled and began to blush but you cupped his cheeks and kissed him again with a smile on your lips. He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of your lips on yours. You both parted again and you couldn't help but giggle.

"I think we have a small audience..." You whispered and Lev looked at you as you walked to the plant, and picked Kenma and Kuroo up.

"Captain?" Lev asked tilting his head and Kenma was mumbling.

"I swear this wasn't my idea (N/N)..." Kenma said and you sighed softly.

"Let me guess it was Kuroo's?"

"Yes, and Yaku senpai as well."

"Tsk, nosy..." You huffed slightly.

"Uh Lev the letter to her was sweet..." Yaku said rubbing his neck but Kuroo decided to tease Yaku.

"Gonna lose your demon senpai card that way."

"Shut it!"

"Anyway, can you guys leave? Me and Lev want alone time." You pouted slightly and their shoulders slumped.


"Told you guys..." Kenma mumbled and Kuroo put him in a head lock as they walked out. You sighed but Lev was smiling widely which made you confused.


"They told me to kiss you, and I did. You kissed me again." You blushed and covered your cheeks.

"Oh geez they saw that...mmf" Lev had kissed you again before sitting you down.

"Finish your dessert, so we can spend more time together walking around."


Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now