Hinata x Reader

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Title: Candy Crushes
No Warning: Just cuteness overload

"Having you as an assistant manager would be great, since you are part of the Elite Volleyball team. The boys team at that, maybe you could teach them some more attacks. Where did you find this girl Ittetsu?" The coach, Keishin asked. Ittetsu laughed awkwardly rubbing his neck slightly.

"She is one of my new students in Japanese literature, second year. When she introduced herself, one of the girls recognized her from a game they went too. So I figured what was the harm in asking. I am surprised she agreed quickly."


"I mean, I can't play in high school... unless I join the boys team. So why not?" You said shrugging just as the gym filled with the volleyball players. They all stared at you, before the ginger blushed and rushed to you.

"What is your name?"

"Uh... (Y/N)..."

"Wow, you are super pretty."

"Whoa dude space." You pushed him away just as another guy that was the same height as the first guy came close.

"She is really pretty."

"You didn't tell me there was elementary students on the team."



"I am a first year..."

"I am a second year." The rest of the team were snickering and you blinked realizing your mistake.

"Oh, my bad dudes."

"Anyway... she is the new assistant manager. She will be helping you guys with more attacks and defense." Keishin said and you nodded.

"Her? She is so... tiny though I mean not height wise but..."

"Say another word, and you will be begging for me to leave." You said threateningly and a dark aura.

"She is scary."

"She is cute..."

"Who is scarier her or Daichi."

"Me." You and him said in unison.

"I think not... anyway I joined so I can stand on a court not talk about how scary or cute I am... I need to warm up for my own match coming up. So helping you guys will benefit me. Since training has been temporarily postponed.

"You say training instead of practice."

"Because we train." You said walking to one side of the court.

"Are you in the girl's team?"

"Nope Japan's Elite team. For guys. I can't play with girls." You said holding the volleyball and they waited. You did a serve that was rather hard and fast that they were still standing in spot not even the libero could get to it in time. Keishin whistled at the speed of the ball.

"I had no idea she could do a quick serve like that."

"Me neither maybe we should watch some of her matches.

"She is so cool. Can you teach us that?" The ginger said and you thought about it.

"If I remember correctly you can't even serve a proper serve. So no. Then yes."

"That is cold. She is more cold then Kei." Tanaka said and Sugawara laughed awkwardly.

"And Kageyama." You continued to serve them your fast balls in which they were either unable to hit or barely hit it but it was out. Practice continued with them going on the defensive since that was the area they needed the most help. Practice continued until after the sun had set, and you walked to the benches and packed your bags after helping them clean.

Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now