Osamu x Reader

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Title: Need A Break
No warning

Osamu unlocked the doors of his Onigiri Restaurant, and began his typical work day. It was typically slow because everyone was at work or in school, so mornings were always empty. He had already prepped everything and was just wiping down the counter when he heard the bell ring, signaling someone came in. He looked up, and met the eyes of a (h/c) woman.

"Welcome, are you dining in or out?" He asked with a smile, though he felt a bit nervous because you were absolutely beautiful.

"Uhm, dining in... do you by chance have wifi here?"

"Ah yes, the password is on the table. Take a seat I will bring you a menu," he said and you nodded sitting in the corner, and as promised he gave you a menu.

"Anything to drink?"

"Do you have (favorite drink)?"

"Yes, I will be right back," you nodded and set your laptop up before looking over a menu. He came back and you looked at him with a smile, which caused his face to slightly heat up.

"Do you recommend anything? I never had onigiri's before."

"Ehh? Seriously?"

"Ahh yes, I am actually not from here. I am from (home country)."

"Oh, so far to travel. Well I personally enjoy the salted salmon."

"Okay I will take that,"

"Anything else?"

"Uhm..." you looked at the menu puzzled before looking at him and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"How about I make some of my favorites."

"That would be great thank you," you handed him the menu and he walked away to began cooking. You focused on your laptop and began to get to work for the day. Osamu could barely take his eyes off of you, before focusing on his cooking. You were rather pleasant to talk too and he couldn't help but smile slightly to himself. He wasn't the type to fall so easily for a girl but you were different, he didn't know why though.

Once he was done cooking he brought the food to you, but you were on the phone so you just flashed him a smile. He nodded and went back to behind the counter, and pretended to be busy with his phone. Though his eyes kept drifting back to you.

Ever since the first day of you walking through the doors of his restuaunt, you came every day to do your work. You often stayed from opening til closing and he didn't mind. You both grew close and his feelings for you only got stronger for you.

Today his brother, Atsumu, Kita and Aran all came to his shop to visit him. He served them food, and was catching up with his friends. His brother could tell that he was anxious because Osamu kept looking towards the door then the clock.

"What's wrong Samu? Ya actin weird,"

"It's nothing Tsumu," he said though he had a small frown on his face.

"Your face says other wise." Kita stated bluntly, but Samu ignored them, before seeing you rush in. His face lit up almost instantly, and turned to look at you and the three instantly understood.

"Running late this morning?" You turned to see Samu and flashed him a tired smile.

"Yeah, overslept."

"Your usual?"

"Yes please..." You went to the corner and set your laptop up, Atsumu, Kita and Aran all glanced at Osamu. He had a small bounce to when he walked and he smiling slightly.

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