Lev x Reader

304 6 4

Title: Love At First Sight
No Warning

Lev watched as you walked through the door, and flashed everyone in the classroom a smile. He wasn't expecting to be entranced like he was but it was like you were sparkling. He averted his gaze down when you two met eye contact and you introduced yourself. After your introduction, the teacher placed you beside Lev which only made him tense up a bit. You set your bag down and took out your notebook and pencils out so you could take notes.

You dropped your eraser and Lev used this chance to talk to you before the class started. You were about to get the eraser but it was closer to Lev, so he picked it up and handed it to you. You smiled, meeting his eyes and he had a light blush on your cheeks.

"Thank you..."

"You are welcome, my name is Lev..."

"(Y/N)... of course you know that. I just introduced myself. Sorry." You said laughing softly, and he smiled.

"No worries, doesn't hurt to introduce yourself again. It's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine." The teacher began to teach class, and Lev tore his eyes from you as you began to focus on the lessons. He would occasionally glance at you the few times he did, you caught him. That typically left a blush on his cheeks, and turning away quickly. Which you thought was really cute.

When the school day ended, which went by pretty fast because you met new friends, you gathered your stuff. Lev was going to talk to you but you were already rushing out of the classroom, which cause Lev to puff his cheeks. He wanted to invite you over to watch his practice. You waited outside for your best friend, when you saw Kenma with another guy you waved at him.

"Kenma!" He turned to you, and the other guy raised an eyebrow.

"Who is she?"

"A close friend..." He said just as you ran and hugged him tightly, and Kenma awkwardly patted your back. Lev saw you hugging Kenma and he got slightly jealous of the male.

"Sorry that I couldn't walk with you this morning. I hope you didn't get lost." He said and you waved it off.

"That's what a gps is for..."

"Okay, I can walk you home after practice..."

"That's fine." You said just then you noticed Lev.

"Holy... I didn't realize you were that tall." You told him, and Kenma turned to see Lev rubbing his neck.

"Ah yeah."

"So, I am invisible?" The guy said and you looked at him. You were silent at first before leaning to Kenma.

"Do I know him? Or is it because /he/ hasn't introduced himself?" Kenma cracked a small smile.

"No... Kenma could introduce you since he knows you."

"I know her too."


"Same class seat neighbors." You said and the guy huffed slightly.

"This is Kuroo, the captain of this volleyball team..."

"Ahh, speaking of which shouldn't you guys be getting ready?" They nodded and began to walk, going back to their conversation that you interrupted. You walked beside Lev and he didn't look at you.

"So Lev, how long have you been playing volleyball?"

"Not long, I am actually pretty bad at receives but because of my height I can block pretty well."

"Oh that's cool..."

"Are you interested in volleyball?"

"Yeah, I use to play before getting hurt. So I can't play anymore."

Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now