Iwaizumi x Reader

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Title: The One I Want


No Warning

Iwaizumi never meant to hurt you, he just wasn't use to girls confessing to him. The girls he fell for always had their eyes on his best friend. You were no exception, you always hung out with Oikawa, laughing and smiling with him. He was jealous, very jealous, but after you confessed he had some hope. Hope that maybe you liked him back had feelings for him instead, but he soon realized it was wishful thinking. He saw you hugging Oikawa and smiling not long after confessing to him. You were blushing, and when you both parted from the hug your hand was on your chest.

You felt a stare and turned your head to see Iwaizumi, and your smiled brightened even more upon seeing him. You went to hug him, but he side stepped you before turning around and leaving you there. You were confused and a little hurt, you looked at Oikawa and he was just as surprised.

"Did I do something wrong?" You asked him and Oikawa shook his head before patting your shoulder.

"Something is bothering him, maybe he wants to talk to you alone, go," Oikawa pushed you towards the door and you nodded. You ran after Iwaizumi, and you eventually caught up to him.

"Iwaizumi~what's wrong?"

"You don't really like me do you?"

"What? Of course I do..."

"Only enough to get to Oikawa, I understand every girl wants him. I just thought you were different, I didn't think you would use me to get to him like every other girl."

"What are you talking about? I like you... you are the only one I like."

"You don't have to lie (L/N). I am use to it honestly."

"Iwaizumi where is this coming from? I swear I do like you," you had tears in your eyes and he turned to look at you. He looked away from you, he did really like you but seeing how close to Oikawa you are it hurt him.

"Iwa~chan (N/N) doesn't like me she really does like you." Oikawa said and you turned to look at him trying to wipe your tears. Iwaizumi ignored the two of you and left, you looked down not understanding what you did. Oikawa was just as confused and felt bad for you.

"I-I should, I need to go home," you ran off in the direction of your home and Oikawa for once actually got angry. It was rare for him to get angry but this was just wrong on so many levels.

"Iwaizumi!" Iwaizumi froze after hearing the familiar voice. Oikawa never called him by his last name it was always 'Iwa~chan'. Iwaizumi turned around and was shocked to see Oikawa was angry at him.

"What is it Shittykawa..."

"You need to apologize to (N/N), you made her cry."

"I am not going to talk about this."

"What did she do?"

"She used me to get to you, I should have known."

"No she didn't... she likes you more then anything."

"Then why is it you both are always together, she blushes when she is with you, you both are always hugging each other," Iwaizumi didn't mean to but his voice dripped with jealousy. Oikawa soon realized what was going on and Oikawa's anger faded.

"Wait is Iwa~ chan jealous..."

"Shut up no, I just don't like being used."

"She doesn't like me at least not in the sense you are thinking. She was blushing because I was teasing her about her crush on you. How I was gonna tell her mom and dad, she hugs me and we are always together because she is my cousin who moved from (Home Country), her mom and my uncle met at their job and been together for years. You never met her because she was always busy and could never visit due to dance, school and their work. She hugged me because I encouraged her to confess to you which you accepted her feelings."

If Iwaizumi didn't feel stupid before he definitely felt it now. He had no idea you were Oikawa's cousin, and he mentally face palmed. He let his jealousy and insecurities get in the way and probably cost him a relationship that he really wanted to be in.

"It's not too late. Something tells me she didn't go home, but went to the park we use to play at by my house." Iwaizumi nodded his head slightly and began to run to the park. As much as he hates it, he owes Oikawa in more ways then one.

"I can't believe I let my insecurities and jealousy out do my better judgement. I hope she doesn't hate me," when he arrived he looked around the park. It didn't take long to find you. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair blew in the wind, and your shoulders were shaking as you sat on the bench. His heart clenched tightly as he walked to you and dropped his gym bag and back pack on the ground. The sound caused you to turn around but before you could get a good luck you were embraced tightly.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just insecure a bit, I am sorry. Please forgive me. I really do like you a lot."

"Iwaizumi?" You looked up and he wiped your tears, but you had a small smile.

"He explained everything, I feel like an idiot. If you will still have me, I want still want to be your boyfriend."


"Mmm," he nodded and you hugged him tightly burying your face into his chest.

"Of course, I want us to be together too. I mean, who else is going to help me get through Toru's teasing all of the time? Plus I liked you for so long already, that won't make me dislike you any less."

Iwaizumi chuckled softly, he wasn't typically the one to make the first move but he cupped your cheeks and pressed a small kiss to your lips. Your face burned a bright red, but you smiled into the kiss before you both heard a snap.

"Iwa~chan and (N/N) is so cute..."

"Shittykawa go away." Iwaizumi through something at Oikawa causing the male to pout slightly. You only giggled at your cousin and boyfriend's antics.

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