Kuroo x Reader

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Title: Kiss On The First Date
No Warning besides Kuroo is a bit OOC

"Kei..." You had a dark aura and the Nekoma and Fukurodani team members looked over at you. Tsukishima froze after rejecting the older members about practicing.

"Who is that?"

"Don't know but she is seriously hot." Kuroo mumbled under his breath.

"What are you doing here?"

"Magic... you are the only one not working hard." You jumped up and hit him in the head. You were the second oldest sister, and the shortest of the family. He crouched holding his head as the team snickered.

"Is that offer about needing him to practice blocking still open?" You asked and the two nodded.

"I al~"

"Unless you want to run 100 laps."

"Okay I will practice with them." He mumbled and you smiled triumphantly.

"But seriously why are you here big sis?"

"Training for volleyball as well." You said walking to the net before flashing the boys a smile.

"Hello my name is Tsukishima (Y/N). His older sister, though you can't tell since he is taller."

"Nice to meet you my name is Tetsuro Kuroo, that is Kotaro Bokuto and Keiji Akaashi from Fukurodani volleyball team." Kuroo said giving you a charming smile. Kei's eye twitched slightly as he noticed the way Kuroo was staring at you.

"Oi, don't stare at her like that." Kei said standing in front of you to 'protect' you from Kuroo's stares.

"Hey, don't be rude." You pinched Kei's side causing him to flinched slightly.


"You do realize, I am older right? I don't need your protection." You growled slightly and he huffed.

"Well sorry if I don't want these perves to stare at you in the wrong way. In front of me especially..."

"Hey, we aren't perves." Bokuto said pouting though his eyes did linger on your chest a bit and Kuroo smacked him upside his head.

"Yeah, we aren't but you are." Akaashi said and you couldn't help but laugh. It was music to Kuroo's ears and he glanced back at you.

"Want to stay for awhile and practice?" Kuroo offered and you thought for a moment before nodding your head.

"Wouldn't hurt to practice a little more." You said and before Kei could say you were on his side Kuroo divided the teams.

"Me and the older Tsukishima."

"Call me (Y/N) it's less confusing."

"Me and (Y/N) and Tsukishima and Bokuto."

"No w~"

"Seems good." You said and Kei huffed slightly but adjusted his glasses. You and Bokuto switched spots and he glanced at your ass as you walked to the other side and Kei hit him in his head.

"Stop that." Kei growled but you didn't noticed.

"So what position do you normally play?" Kuroo asked.

"I am the libero."

"You must be pretty amazing then."

"I guess, they tried making me the captain but I turned it down because I like my position as the Libero."

"You turned that down?"

"I am not much of a leader."

"Could have fooled me."

"Well, only to my siblings. Not to other's." You said laughing awkwardly and Kuroo glanced at you with admiration. Kei knew that look all to well, because so many guys were interested in you. He sighed softly and they began to practice blocking and spiking. They realized just how fast you were, and Kuroo looked like he found the love of his life. He didn't show it on his face but his eyes spoke different meaning.

After about three hours you fell to the ground panting, you were already tired before but now you were exhausted. You sighed softly closing your eyes, and Kei gave you a water bottle which you took and began drinking from it.

"Don't over do it... you know you have Asthma..." Kei scolded slightly, which shocked Kuroo.

"Oh hush, I have my inhaler, plus you keep one on you anyway. Plus I can pull myself out of it if it needs be."

"Shut up and just don't over do it." You squirted water in his face and he flinched and growled and the other three began laughing. Kei took the lid off of his water bottle and dumped it on you. You gasped and shot up and he smirked walking out.

"Pay back."

"I know where you sleep at night!"

"Not on this trip!" He said leaving and you huffed and Kuroo dropped a towel on your head.


"Ugh..." You dried your face and hair and Kuroo offered you his hand.

"Well, we got to head back." Akaashi said and you waved to them with a smile.

"Nice to meet you two!" Bokuto and Akaashi waved at you and you looked up at Kuroo with a smile.

"I guess I should head back too." You said, but Kuroo grabbed your hand.

"Stay a little longer. We can lock up the gym then walk around."

"Hmm okay..." You said with a smile and he took your hand after you both cleaned up the gym. You both walked away from the gym and it was silent.

"So... question..."

"I might have an answer." You grinned and he looked at you with the same grin.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"That's a negative, you see how Kei is.. Between Kei and my other brother I don't get to date too often."

"Good to know..." He said.

"Why?" You asked and Kuroo looked down at you.

"Do you kiss on the first date?"

"Huh? I am not sure." You said confused and he gently swept down and your eyes widen when his lips connected to yours. You gasped but you closed your eyes sighing softly, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He smiled into the kiss and slipped his tongue past your lips and holding your waist to him. He gently pressed you against the wall, and you held him closer to you. The kiss broke for only a few moments.

"I guess I do..." You said panting softly and he began to trail small kisses down your neck.

"Makes it easier for you to fall for me..." He mumbled before going back to kissing your lips passionately. You let a small moan out as he gripped your ass causing you to squeak and grip his shirt. You two were making out rather intensely before hearing your brother's voice.

"What the actual fuck Kuroo!?" You tried to push him away but you could feel the smirk growing on his lips as he parted from your lips and went to your neck leaving a rather dark hickey."


"Tetsuro to you (Y/N). And Sorry not sorry I like your sister a lot. Don't worry I won't hurt her."

"You won't because I am go~"

"You aren't going to kill him." You told Kei and he huffed slightly. 

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