Kageyama x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Embarrassing Moments
No Warning

You were a quiet and shy kind of person, relating to the captain of Volleyball team at Karasano. Your name was was Sawamura (Y/N), no one knew you were Daichi's younger sister mainly because you kept to yourself. You didn't even go to the volleyball matches, much to Daichi's demise. He wanted you to go, but you weren't good with people. He tried countless of times and you rejected the idea, mainly because you didn't like the way you look. You were bigger than the girls in your grade, and sometimes they would make certain remarks at you.

You didn't tell your brother because you knew he would get involved so you kept it to yourself. This time though, Daichi wasn't taking no for an answer. He picked you up from your classroom, and dragged you to their practice. The whispers began and Daichi realized what was happening.

"(Y/N), how long have you been getting bullied by these students?"

"It's no big deal onii chan. I just want to go home."

"No, I want you to meet the volleyball team."


"No, we got to get you over this shyness of yours. Also, I will make sure to talk to the principal about the students bullying you." You looked down as he held your hand and dragged you to the gym. When he arrived, everyone turned to you causing you to turn a bright red. You hid behind Daichi, but he pushed you in front of him. The only people who knew about you was Suga, Kiyoko and Asahi, whom both gave you warm smiles.

"Hey (Y/N)~" Suga said giving you a hug and then Asahi. You blushed but hugged them back.


"Everyone, this is my little sister Sawamura (Y/N)." He said, and suddenly two males came running towards you.

"Oh sweet mama, she is so cute!" You squealed and flinched as they went to jump at you but Daichi ended up hitting both males.

"Do that again, and you will be running extra laps."

"Yes sir!" They said in unison.

"They really are like horny tornadoes." You saw Hinata and Kageyama. You and Kageyama made eye contact and you blushed looking down. Kageyama quickly looked away and began to work on his serves. This eye contact didn't go unnoticed by Suga and Daichi, and they shared a look.

"(Y/N), why don't you become another manager with Yachi?" Kiroko asked with a smile, and you blushed shifting.

"Good idea Kiyoko, since she needs to join a club anyway."

"Hey (Y/N)..." Yachi said with a smile and you gave her a small smile back.

"Hey..." You were close with Yachi, she was actually your only friend whom you trusted a lot. Practice soon started and you just stood off to the side, Kiyoko knew you were shy and nervous so she just allowed you to observe similar to how she did with Yachi.

Kageyama found himself staring at you often, but it wasn't noticed by you. He had a blush on his face, since he thought you were really cute when you smiled. That smile soon faded though when Hinata screamed.

"Kageyama is getting sick! Unless he likes (Y/N), look at his face it's so red." Kageyama turned even redder since you heard and looked at him wide eyed with a blush on your own.

"Shut up idiot! I do not!" He said throwing the volleyball at Hinata who got hit in the face with it.

"I think it's cute, we do see you keep staring at her." Suga said, with a grin causing the poor boy to prepare his own grave.

"I am not."

"But you are, it's okay. I am sure captain, would allow you to date his sister as long as you don't hurt her." Nishinoya said and you hid your face in your hands.

"It's not like that!" Kagreyama yelled, the teasing began and soon enough you two were being pushed together by the teammates. You almost wanted to faint, and you looked to your brother for help. He only grinned, glad you were making friends and not so much alone anymore.

"I-I, wait what are you guys doing?" You began to stutter, and wrapped your arms around yourself. Soon enough, you and Kageyama were chest to chest and being held close to each other by the others. You both refused to look at each other, trying to hide your blush from the other but it wasn't working.

"You know, now that I think about it... when I was tutoring Kageyama and Hinata in English, he kept staring at (Y/N) while she was reading." Yachi said not realizing she made the situation even worse. Tsukki soon joined in.

"Yeah, he has a drawing that looked semi like her but definitely her name in hearts. Though the drawing itself was bad."

"Shut up Tsukishima." Kageyama said growling though his intimidated face didn't work since he was red. He took a look at you, and you were shifting in your spot embarrassed.

"(Y/N) would you date Kageyama?" Hinata asked and you blushed slightly, not answering so her older brother did it for her.

"I guess, I could go through her diary and see... if she doesn't answer."

"ONII CHAN!" You suddenly yelled at him and he grinned, you glanced back at Kageyama and he had a small smile on his face. You slowly nodded your head as an answer and the cheers went on but Kageyama silenced them.

"We aren't dating! She was just saying."

"Then ask her out already."

"If I do, will you guys stop embarrassing us?"

"Yes..." They all said in unison, and Kageyama was a stuttering and blushing mess.

"W-Will you g-go out with me (Y/N) san?"

"S-Sure... but what if people laugh because you are with me?" You asked referring to your weight, and he blinked confused.

"I will make them shut up." He said seriously and you looked up and he quickly kissed your cheek.

"See (Y/N), now you have a reason to attend our practices and matches. Though, I wish you would go for me since I am your brother, but as long as you get out of your comfort zone." He said sulking slightly realizing if you went it would be for Kageyama.

"I will go for the both of you." You said with a small smile patting his shoulder."

"Sure you will..." He sighed softly but you glanced at Kageyama and he gave you a small rare smile of his.

Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now