Morisuke x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Insecurities

Yaku laid his head on your lap, during his break. You and he had gotten close ever since you first transferred to Nekoma High. If he was being honest with himself and everyone else, he had a huge crush on you. He refused to tell you though since he didn't want to ruin the friendship that you two had.

He looked up at your face as you focused on reading, and began to admire your features. He couldn't help but smile to himself as buried his face into your stomach. You looked down and laughed softly, stroking his hair.

"Mori~ what are you doing?"

"I told you to call me Yaku..."

"Alright, Yaku, what are you doing?" You asked and he looked up at your face with a small blush.

"Nothing, just trying to cuddle you most comfortably."

"You can't wait for the cuddle session when we get home?"

"No, I don't want to..." You laughed softly and he hid his face. You always made him blush and embarrassed him just by being so cute.

"You are super cute Yaku~ I don't see how they call you the demon senpai."

"Hey... that's only to them."

"I am just saying, you are way too adorable."

"Says you..." he mumbled but you heard him. You leaned down and pressed a small kiss to his forehead. His eyes widened at the sudden action, and he quickly sat up staring at you.

"What was that for?"

"Huh? Are you okay? Did you not like it? I won't do it again."

"No, I mean. Yes. I mean, I did like it. But I-" Yaku groaned as he heard snickers from behind him. You glanced back and saw Kuroo laughing at Yaku's flustered state.

"Kuroo, go away..." You said and Kuroo held his hands up leaving you and Yaku alone. Kuroo glanced back at Yaku with a knowing grin.

"You better do it Mori~ or else I am gonna steal her away."

"Shut up!" Yaku threw a ball at Kuroo and Kuroo ran out of the gym laughing. You were confused when Yaku looked back at you.

"Sorry, I just..."

"What was he talking about Yaku?"

"I- Promise we will remain friends after this?"

"Of course, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, I just can't stop thinking about you. Ever since we met the first day you transferred from (home country), and asked me to tutor you in Japanese, I was in love with you. I know it's bad, and I shouldn't have feelings for you but-" You cut his entire speech off by pressing your lips to his.

Yaku's eyes widened but he soon came down from his shock and began to kiss you back. The kiss was slow yet intense. After a few minutes, you both parted and he leaned his forehead against yours.

"Okay, that was a nice way of you telling me to shut up," he said. You laughed and pecked his lips slightly before hugging him.

"I am glad you feel that way about me, I was beginning to think my feelings were one-sided. I didn't think you would like a girl like me."

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" Yaku asked, slightly offended. You blinked slightly before poking at your stomach, then your thighs.

"I just mean, I am bigger than most girls. So I thought you would like someone a bit slimmer and prettier. I am by far not the prettiest girl around."

"Tsk, don't talk bad about yourself. Seriously, you are the most gorgeous around. Don't believe me, ask the volleyball team. Everyone and I mean everyone at some point had a crush on you. Even Kenma. You are so perfect, I am the lucky one that you chose me. I mean I am short compared to the average height of guys." Yaku ranted and you blinked slightly with a blush. You looked down but he cupped your face to look at him.

"You are perfect to me, I don't want anyone else but you. I love you, always have. So, will you be my girlfriend (Y/N)?"

You nodded your head and wrapped him another hug again and he squeezed you in his arms with a smile.

"I love you too Yaku, and of course, I would. I guess we both are the lucky ones."

"Yeah, though I am luckier..."

Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now