Kindaichi x Reader

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Title: Fearless
No Warning

"Hey Kindaichi, are you dating that girl... (L/N) san?" Oikawa asked and Kindaichi blinked and blushed slightly shaking his head.

"No, she is only my friend."

"Uh huh... just a friend? She seems attached at your hip besides volleyball."

"Well yeah, we went to the same school since elementary school."

"You like her..." Kindaichi looked away and nodded his head. He knew he couldn't hide it from anyone except you. You were the exception since you never picked up on his feelings.


"Why don't you just confess to her?" Yahaba asked and Kindaichi looked at him quickly shaking his head.

"No way, I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"Seriously? Dude, I believe she may actually like you."

"I doubt it..."

"We are more siblings than dating material."

"Stop family and friend zoning yourself." Oikawa said wrapping his arm around Kindaichi's shoulders.

"Just confess to her..."

"I gotta go, she is waiting for me." Kindaichi finished changing, and wanted to get away from the questioning glances. There was no way he could possibly confess, unless some miracle happened. When he went out of the locker room, he saw you standing by the gym doors. He smiled and you looked up smiling widely at him.

"Kindaichi! You did amazing today..."

"Thank you (Y/N)..." He said and you both walked out, and Kindaichi looked ahead. He realized that despite you guys being so close, you never said his first name. He began to wonder if you both were as close as he thought.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing..." He said looking at you and you narrowed your eyes at him.



"I known you since elementary something is bothering you..." Kindaichi blushed realizing he could never hide anything from you.

"It's just, I call you by your first name..."


"Since we have been friends you have never once called me by my first name..."

"I haven't?" You asked and he shook his head.

"Does it bother you that much?" You asked tilting your head, he blushed because you looked rather cute.

"Well, a little I guess. You still show formality but I thought we were past that.." He rubbed his neck.

"I guess it's stupid. Sorry ignore me." He suddenly said and you placed your hand on your chin.


"Yutaro..." He froze slightly and blushed at the way his name escaped his lips.

"How does it sound coming from me?" You asked and he looked away.

"I like it... a lot."

"Then I shall call you Yutaro then..." You said with a smile, and he felt a small smile grace his lips. You looked at the sky and puffed your cheeks slightly.

"It looks like it's going to pour down..." You said seeing the gray clouds, almost as soon as it left your lips it began to rain.

"Oh crap..." You both said and ran towards shelter and stood underneath. You laughed slightly shaking your head and he nudged you.

"You jinxed it..." He said and you grinned.

"What can I say? I like the rain..." He rolled his eyes playfully but took his school jacket off and wrapped it around you.

"I am fine..."

"I don't want you to get sick." He said and you shook your head kept it around you. It fell silent and you suddenly had a strong urge to dance in the rain, maybe even kiss in the rain. But you didn't want to do it with just anyone, it had to be Kindaichi, but you weren't sure if he would be okay with it. You had a huge crush on him, you just couldn't bring yourself to confess.

You glanced at Kindaichi and he was looking ahead and you looked away before smiling. You were finally going to ask him, after all, he knew how you always wanted to kiss in the rain. You turned to him and had a wide grin on your face.

"Yutaro?" He turned to you and looked at you and tilted his head.

"What is it?" He noticed the grin and he began to get slightly nervous.

"Remember how I said I always wanted to dance in the rain, and kiss the boy I like in the rain?"

"I remember... I called you stupid because you would get sick." You pinched his side and he flinched.

"Yeah... well... dance with me."

"What?" He asked confused for a moment.

"Dance with me in the rain."

"I thought you were waiting for someone you actually liked to do that with..."

"I am...."

"Then why would you want to dance with me in the rain." You wanted to face palm, he wasn't getting at it. You sighed softly before deciding to take it to the next step, in hopes it don't ruin your friendship.

"You are an idiot..." You said and he narrowed his eyes a bit and you pulled him out from underneath the shelter. You cupped his cheeks and brought his face down kissing him deeply. You were feeling rather fearless, despite the fact that he didn't kiss back. In fact you probably broke him for several of minutes before he finally kissed back. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You both felt the electric spark from the kiss, and you moved your lips against his. He gently nipped at your bottom lip and you parted your lips. You allowed him entrance, and he easily explored your cavern before slowly pulling away.

"(Y/N)..." His eyes were slightly wide, and you had that grin he always loved. Suddenly, he spun you around and you began laughing as he held you tightly.

"I love you Yutaro..."

"I love you too (Y/N)... I didn't think you felt that way for me..." He said as he placed you down and placed his lips on yours again. You couldn't help but let a few giggles out as he parted again.

"Yeah, me either... I didn't think you liked me. I was putting our friendship on the line by doing this." You said feeling relieved and he buried his face into your neck and you both swayed slightly in the pouring rain.

"I would have never let you go as a friend, but now I never letting you go as my girlfriend. So, please be my girlfriend (Y/N)."

"Good, I don't want you to let go and of course you big dummy. I will be your girlfriend." He leaned his forehead against yours with a wide smile before grabbing your hand.

"Let's get you out of the rain before you get sick." He said with that goofy smile on his face and he sighed softly.

~time skip to a week later~

"*Achoo* You idiot, I told you, you would get sick." Kindaichi scolded you, as he placed a rag on your forehead.

"It was worth it. We ended up together didn't we *cough*." You went into a coughing fit and he sighed.

"You are such a dork..."

"You love me..." You yawned and he kissed your cheek.

"Yes, I do. Now get some rest so you can come to our match and cheer me on." You nodded wanting to cuddle him. So you opened your arms and he climbed into the bed with you. He wrapped his arms around you and you leaned your head against his chest almost instantly falling asleep.

Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now