Oikawa x Reader

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Title: Unnoticeable
No Warning

You always kept your head down, you avoided everyone as much as you could. You wasn't exactly good with talking people, barely keep eye contact with them. It was a wonder how you won the class election and got to be the class president. You did your work quietly, and tried not to cause anyone any trouble. People knew you, and they got a long with you but they weren't close to you. You could easily go unnoticed by people, not having much of a presence.

There was one person though, that always noticed you. He had a huge crush on you and it wasn't a secret to his volleyball team. He had to face the dilemma that he was in though because he wanted to date you. The problem was that his fan girls followed him everywhere. He didn't want to scare you off, so he kept his distance since his fangirls could be quite mean. Right now he was on the roof with Iwaizumi complaining about not being able to get close to you.

"Iwa~chan, what am I going to do!? I can't ever get close to her, she is so far out of reach."

"Well that is your fault for flirting with every girl in existance, pretty boys like you piss me off."

"That's mean Iwa~chan!"

"Shut up dumbasskawa..."

"I don't like this language!"


"Now it's vulgar... owe," Iwaizumi had thrown something at Oikawa as always and Oikawa sulked.

"I am serious, what am I gonna do?"

"Why should I help you? You will end up hurting her, with your flirting with other girls."

"No I won't! Look at my phone!" He tossed his phone to Iwaizumi and Iwaizumi looked through it not sure what he was looking for. Scrolling through, he realized every female number was deleted and all female messages.

"Wow you actually like her?"

"Yeah! It's just the girls follow me around, I can never get her alone." Iwaizumi sighed as Oikawa clung to Iwaizumi.

"What am I suppose to do?"

"Get her alone with me, without the fangirls."

"How am I suppose to do that???"

"Well after practice or something... tell her to wait..."

"Ugh, what do I get out of this?"

"My undying love?"

"Shouldn't (L/N) have that? I don't want that..."

"Uhm, anything you want. Just please help me!"

"Fine, don't call me Iwa~chan and stop bothering me all the time."

"Sheesh so mean."

"I am sorry do you want alone time with her?"

"Yes yes yes sorry." Iwaizumi left in search of you he didn't know how he always got wrapped into these things, but since he was rather close to you. It made it easier for him to talk to you.


"Iwaizumi~kun..." You looked up and Iwaizumi rubbed his neck slightly.

"Hey I was wondering if you could come to volleyball practice and stay afterwards."

"Eh? W-Why?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Well, you are the only person I trust..." You admitted and Iwaizumi patted your head slightly.


"What about those crazy fangirls?"

"They aren't allowed in the gym, by the way we need a volleyball manager..."

Haikyuu! Oneshots x Reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now