Kindaichi x Reader Part 1.

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Title: Tutoring Sessions
No Warning

Kindaichi watched you from a far, he had a huge crush on you since middle school. He wanted to know you more and get closer to you but he was always a bit too shy to talk to you. That was until today, he was going to talk to you and ask you to tutor him in English. He took a deep breath, and made his way through the crowded hallway. It was the end of the school day, and he wanted to catch you before you left. When he finally got close to you, you were about to leave.

"Wait, (L/N)~san..." Kindaichi gently grasped your wrist. You blinked and turned around to him while your friends grinned at you.

"Oh, Kindaichi~kun. Is something the matter?" You asked tilting your head to the side confused.

'Gah why is she so cute?' He thought to himself and he couldn't fight the blush that dusted his cheeks. He let your wrist go, and rubbed his neck nervously.

"I uhm, I was wondering if you would tutor me in English. I am failing, and if I fail I can't play volleyball. I figured since it's your native language you could just help me. I at least hoped you would You know what, never mind, I don't want to be a burden. Sorry for wasting your time. He began to ramble on and on his blush getting darker.

"Kindaichi, calm down. Of course I can tutor you."

"I knew it sorry... wait really?" He had a small frown on his face but then shock as he shot his head up to meet your stunning (e/c) eyes. He had a wide smile on his face, and he felt his heart race inside his chest.

"Yes, really. Here is my number, just tell me when." You wrote down your number and gave it to him.

"I know it's sudden but can it be today?"

"Don't you have volleyball?"

"Well, yeah. Afterwards?"

"(Y/N), we are going to go ahead." (F/N) said and you nodded.

"Be safe, text me when you guys get home." They nodded and you turned to Kindaichi.

"I have to ask my mom. But I don't see why not."

"Okay, come to our practice."

"I won't get kicked out?"

"Not if you are with me." Kindaichi said and you smiled. That smile made his heart pound, and he looked away.

"Okay, let's go before you are late." You said grabbing his hand. You pulled him a long and all Kindaichi could think about was how small your hand was in his. Once you both got closer to the gym, you let his hand go and he mentally pouted. He wanted to hold your hand longer but he didn't want to seem weird.

"I will be up there..." You said and he nodded going to the coaches to explain why you were here. You pulled your phone out to call your mom while they changed and got stretched.

"So Kindaichi, is that your girlfriend?" Oikawa asked causing attention to go to Kindaichi.

"N-No, she is just helping me with my English since I am failing."

"Hmm? Are you sure? Do you like her?" Oikawa wanted more information to tease his younger teammate.

"He liked her since middle school." Kunimi said and Kindaichi stared at him.


"Our little Kindaichi is shy, how cute." Oikawa said and Kindaichi blushed.

"Stop that, I am not shy."

"Yes you are, plus you are blushing." Hanamaki said, pointing out the obvious.

"Tsk... I am not..."

"As much as I would love to teach our little Kindaichi, we do have to get to practice." Oikawa said as he felt Iwaizumi glaring at him. Practice began and you watched for a bit, amazed by how good they were. You never went to their games because it clashed with your schedule which was a strict schedule.

After watching for a bit, you decided to get your homework sone, so you could focus on tutoring Kindaichi. Prace ran a couple hours, and by the time they were done, you were done with your homework as well.

You were currently waiting for Kindaichi by the gym doors as he changed.

"So are you going to her house?" Kunimi asked and he shook his head.

"No, she is going to my house."

"Use condoms... protection kids..." Oikawa said handing Kindaichi some.;

"W-What? No, we aren't doing that. Just tutoring... IN ENGLISH."

"It could lead to something else."

"It won't, I respect her, plus she isn't that type of girl. We also don't even know if she likes me like that." Kindaichi said, refusing to take the condoms.

"If you say so, take them just in case.." Oikawa said and Kindaichi huffed.

"No..." He finished and left the locker room, his face on fire. He saw you waiting and rushed to you.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm assuming your mom agreed?"

"It's no problem, she said yeah, but if I stay too late, she won't be able to pick me up."

"Okay, I can walk you back or you can spend the night." He whispered the last part as you both left the gym.

"Oh no, I don't want to be a burden to you."

"You are tutoring me, last minute. I am the one being a burden not you."

"But..." Kindaichi grasped your hand shaking his head cutting you off. You sighed softly but flashed him a small smile.

"Fine, you win." He returned the smile as you guys left the school gates heading to his home.

"Good, I hate to lose."

"I can tell...dork..." You said and he feigned offense which caused you to laugh.

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