1937: Junior Nurse

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Evangeline POV:

I sprinted down the street dodging people and motor cars. Two lefts, one right straight and BAM! I slammed into someone knocking the both of us to the ground. I gasped looking down at the unfortunate person I'd run into only to realize it was my brother.

"uh, hello brother," I giggled while regaining normal stance.

"looks like you found us," he chuckled taking my hand to pull himself up.

"yeah it took me a while so I do apologise," I admitted while glancing over at the boy next to him.

He was fairly small compared to James and had blonde, straight hair that fell just above his eyes. He smiled while holding out his hand.

"Steven Grant Rogers," he introduced himself

"Evangeline Rose Barnes," I replied with a pearly smile.

Instead of shaking my hand he gently pressed his lips against my knuckles. The gesture was enough for my face to flush with a blush and an not impressed eyeroll from James. He was pretty darn cute if you ask me. However, I didn't realise my brother had bold friends. Steven seemed like the guy to be awkward in the presence of a female.

"So where's this dance hall that you've been telling me about?" James asked turning to Steve.

"Right down the street," he answered pointing ahead of us, "We got to wait for Laura though."

I scrunched my nose up in disgust. "Why did you invite Lauren?" I groaned. "She's such a who-"

"Finish that sentence and I'm telling Ma young lady," James cut me off scolding me for my unfinished language.

I sighed in exasperation while rolling my eyes. No sooner had I shut up little Lauren Rooker came skipping over. I might as well call her Lauren Rooker the Hooker at this rate. She had her hair in that dumb style that she always thought made her look older. She wore a skirt that was visibly too tight and too small for her, while her shirt was unbuttoned to show her busting cleavage. James and Steve both perked up at the sight of her to which I rolled my eyes at. Typical boys.

"Hiya Buck, Hey Stevie," she cooed when she inched closer. I faked a sneeze when I smelled her overpriced perfume. She glared at me before rolling her eyes and practically throwing herself over my brother. "It's James to you, you Skank," I blurted. I covered my mouth and muttered a quick sorry. However, that didn't stop the chuckle slipping from Steve's lips and the smirk forming on James's face.

"You girls ready to have a good time?" James chuckled wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Yeah sure, but sorry Stevie I'm with this good looking chap tonight," Lauren teased while groping my brother further.

"Oh trust me that doesn't phase me at all," Steve smiled looking at the ground. I just chuckled at his words. "Let's go then," he followed up with.

We followed the scrawny Brooklyn boy to a decorated dance hall. As we arrived, we could hear the music bouncing through the walls and could see bodies moving and laughter clouding the air. Scanning the hall, it appeared that we were the youngest ones there. However, it seemed that James and Lauren didn't notice and immediately took to the dance floor.

"I guess you're with me, Ev."

I jumped a little when Steve's shoulder had brushed my own.

"Think you can keep up with me, Stevie." I teased smirking at him. His face flushed at the use of the nickname but he returned the smirk with a smile.

"I've been dancing since I was a little boy," he challenged taking my hand and leading me onto the dance floor.

" Well, Rogers I can see there hasn't been much change over the years. I was three so beat that," I replied spinning into his arms, "I learned from Bucky."

"Oh then you've learned from the master," he joked laughing at the music changing to a foxtrot.

I laughed too and we started to dance, completing dominating the dance floor. As fast as we were moving, we stayed perfectly in time with one another. A smile never left my face as we danced through every song that played. After nearly an hour and half of full blown dancing, we decided to take a break.

"That's some girl you got their, kid," a guy called over as Steve and I slipped off the dance floor.

I bushed as Steve smiled towards me.

"Tell me about it," he replied with a chuckle, "Well Barnes, what'd you like to drink?"

I looked at the board above our head before picking a soda. He headed over the counter as I sat own at the booth. "You two are amazing!" Lauren cried coming over to join me. She had dragged Bucky over too and the pair had sat down at the booth.

"You guys were too, Especially on that jive! I've never seen James move like that," I laughed nudging him with my foot under the table.

He let out a half-hearted laugh and I could tell he was enjoying his night. Before I could say anything, Steve came back with out drinks and slide into the booth beside me.

"Now I've danced amongst plenty of people before but none of them were like you," he chuckled, "I think you even bested Bucky."

We all laughed. I glanced over at him and noticed he was having a few complication. I immediately recognised his symptoms. He has asthma!

"Tonight was fun, but it's best James and I get home. Come on Steve," I said quickly sliding out of the both.

Steve followed my orders. James seemed to take notice of the situation too.

"Lets go," he said.

Laure didn't seem to mind that we was leaving her as she already had an eye in another boy. I took Steve's hand guiding him through the crown to the door. As soon as we were outside he seemed to get better.

"Should've said something sooner if you was having problems Punk," James chuckled while bumping his arm.

"Didn't want to cause a fuss," he replied with an attempted smile.

"Too late! Now I'm gonna worry all night," I huffed placing my hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. I then grabbed his wrist checking his hear rate.

"Hey you didn't tell me she was a junior nurse," Steve snorted when I made him sit down on a nearby ledge.

"You kinda have to be when you live with this clutz," I replied off-handily, "Breathe in and out."

Steve obeyed. Everything seemed to be normal. I finally let him stand back up and we continued on our way home. Once we got near to Steve's place, he headed inside after a quick goodbye to myself and James. But as i began to walk away, somebody had grabbed my arm.

"I hope this won't we the last time that I will see you," he said with a slight smile.

"If you're going to have my brother running wild like a headless chicken, then I bet that it won't be," I teased smiling back at him, "Now, go and rest yourself. Goodnight Steve."

"Goodnight Evangeline," he replied before turning and leaving.

I smiled after him watching him close his door. It wasn't until he disappeared, that I turned in the other direction. I ran after my brother catching up to his side.

"That friend of yours is something else," I said watching my brother kick the stones that were at his feet.

"Don't do it," he warned turning to me suddenly.

"Do what?" I asked with a frown.

"Fall in love with him," he replied, "He's basically a guy in a child's body. He won't be able to protect you."

I rolled my eyes. "You would know him best wouldn't you?" I finally said.

"I'm his Best Friend, Ev," he shrugged. I nodded.

"Fine," I sighed, "I will view Steve as a friend and nothing more."

He smiled a little. "Good."

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