1945: Russia

32 1 0

Steve's POV:

Myself and the Commandos gathered on a high plateau as we waited for Schmidt's train. I would be lying if I said it wasn't cold. The breeze surrounded every single one of making it harder to find warmth. At this point, it was every man fighting for himself.

As we waited, the guys had crouched to ground waiting for our next move. Michael was sitting over the transceiver. Johnny listened to the transmission. Gerry wielded binoculars. Jim and Daniel were adjusting the winch at the cliff's edge. As for me and Bucky? Well we stood watching the snowy covered mountains

"The engineer just radioed ahead. Hydra dispatch gave him permission to open the throttle," Johnny spoke slipping his headphones off, "Whatevers on this train, they must need it bad."

"Well, theyre not going to get it." Jim bluntly said

I wouldnt be so sure..." Gerry mumbled, "Because theyre moving like the devil."

The men kept me informed about the trains whereabouts. I turned to Bucky and saw high glance over the edge of the cliff.

"Remember when I made you and Evangeline ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" he timidly murmured.

"And I threw up?"

He looked over the edge again cautiously.

"This isnt payback, is it?" he asked giving me a concerned look.

I let out a chuckle and shook my head as huge grin plastered my face, "Now why would I do a thing like that?"



Suddenly, a high pitched whistle shrieked through the air. I knew it was time.

"All aboard, gentlemen! Mind the gap!" Gerry shouted over the noise.

Myself, Bucky and Johnny attached our t-bars to the cable making sure they are screwed tight. There's one thing that I'm certain of and that's I'm not dying today. Call it super-soldier instincts.

"Okay, this is a very short, very fast train. Weve got a ten-second window, tops. Mistime it and youre a bug on the windshield," I shouted my orders nice and clear.

Before I started my descend, I saw Jim glance at the train, then down to his watch and back at the train.

"Better move it then, Bugs." he chuckled.

I was the first one to leave the temporary base and make my way to the train. Surely it took a few seconds for Bucky and Johnny to build up the guts and follow. Poor men. Afraid of silly heights at their silly age. It wasn't long until my feet dropped hard onto the slick roof. I looked back to make sure the other two was alright. Something flickered across their eyes: Relief.

We made our way down the train, and found the nearest pair of ladders. I hurried down the set and found a door that led us into the metal transport itself. Kicking the door, I rushed in only to find nothing. I look at my right hand man and saw that he also held the similar disappointment that I just consumed. However we didn't let that stop us. I hurried towards the next door and saw Johnny jump over to the next roof. It was his task to find the engine while Bucky and I looked for Zola.

These doors must be made of something really weak because every time I kicked it, it broke into pieces. I walked into the second cart and noticed it was also empty.

"I thought they were supposed to be hauling something," Bucky muttered.

I unhooks my shield from my back as my senses became vigilant.

"They were," I replied

I yanked open the next connecting door putting my shield in front of my body. Bucky and I slowly crept forward. Suddenly, a steel plate dropped over the door that we just came in from. It sealed us both in. Shit. I tried to pry the steel off the door but continuously failed. The light flickered back and forth now revealing a trooper at the other end of the cart. It appeared that he had armour. More armour than Bucky and I. Each arm was sporting two huge cannons that no doubt held the secret blue ammunition.

Before the trooper had a chance, I opened fire. My standard bullets was pinging uselessly off the armour. This for sure put us in danger. How can they possibly make armour that is bulletproof? I held my shield up ready to take on the corrupted soldier. A blue pulse flashed before my eyes as the trooper had took an aim at me. The shot was powerful. It knocked the shield out of my hands and slammed me to the back wall.

The clang of my shield rippled through the air. Pain erupted my body but I knew I couldn't back down. As I was about to stand up, the trooper opens fire on Bucky. Luckily enough, Bucky had noticed what was about to happen so he dived into the stack of goods that was near me.

If this wasn't enough, I heard a crackle of a speaker and saw a flashing red light in the corner of the room.


"No. Finish the other one," his voice cracked through the microphone.

I watched as the soldier turned towards me. Zola has puppets now. How familiar. In anticipation, I pushed myself to my feet ignoring the shaking of my legs. The star that covered my chest became an obvious bullseye for the Hydra soldier. I braced myself for the second hit.

I could here the canons rebooting its energy ready for the blast. As the blue ammunition ignited, Bucky leapt in front of me.

"Bucky, no!" I screamed.

Everything that happened next seemed to be in slow motion. I watched Bucky, my best friend, girlfriend's brother, get hit square in the shield. The blast blew him through the hole that was previously made by the trooper when he first shot at Bucky. With desperate efforts, I ran towards the crater and saw Bucky hanging on for dear life. I lunged forward making sure I held a strong grip. I reached out for the man before me.

"Grab my hand!" I cried out.

With every effort, I saw Bucky reach upwards to grab my hand. I started to pull him back through the hole when we was hit with another blast. The blast made me lose grip and I felt Bucky let go of my hand. I reached out to try and save him but it was too late.

His scream went straight to my ear as I watched the man I befriended all those years ago fall to his death.

"BUCKY!" I sobbed.

The only response I received was the wind and clatter of the trains wheels. I couldn't believe what just happened. I pulled myself back to safety and I saw the soldier take another step. Without a thought, I grabbed my shield and turned towards to man. I was enraged!

The trooper fired away at me but this time I held my own. I strapped the shield tighter and knocking every blast away.

"Again! Fire again!" the speakers screeched with Zola's voice.

As told, the trooper fired at me once again and I continued to deflect his blasts. Red-eyed, I charged towards the soldier and threw my shield directly at him. With as much power as any other time, I knocked the soldier unconscious.

I stood up looking down at the man and let out a relieved breath. I make my way towards the front and saw Johnny hanging from the roof with his arm extended into the window. His weapon pressed into the temple of the scientist.

"Stop this goddamned train," he warned.

His Guardian Angel [Steve Rogers]Where stories live. Discover now