1942: Night to Remember

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Evangeline POV:

"Soo..." I trailed off awkwardly as we sat at one of the high top tables.

"Why so awkward Sweetheart?" Steve questioned me, "Nothing's changed. Why don't we jitterbug a little to shake these nerves and awkwardness off."

"That's a fantastic idea," I said smiling as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

It was just like when we were younger. The two of us dominating the floor with every synchronized step. A smile never left my face as we danced the night away. Hours passed and we sill kept returning to the dance floor. Finally a slow waltz came on which was a much needed break. My dress fanned ou every time he spun me around.

"I missed you," I breathed as he held me close.

"I missed you too," he murmured back, "Please tell me your staying."

I sighed, my smiling fading away. His did too as soon as he looked at me.

My orders come in two weeks. Then I'm off to the frontline," I said softly, "I'm so sorry Stevie."

"Don't be Angel , I'll enjoy this while I can," he responded stroking my cheek, "First you and now Bucky, it's going to be really lonely here."

As soon as I heard him say them final words, my heart broke in two. I never wanted to leave him behind.

"You know I never wanted to leave you behind, right?" I said softly while tuning my head to look into his eyes.

"I know that, Gorgeous. I really do" he sighed.

"Maybe this is the chance for you to make new friends. You know while me and Bucky are gone. I'm kinda hoping that were stationed at the same unit. All new recruits go to the 107th" I explained.

"Let's hope for the best" he said.

I nodded. An idea suddenly came to mind. I took his face in my hands and brought hit lips to mine. We stopped dancing as our lips moved passionately against each other. I felt his hands grip my waist drawing me closer.

"We should move," I mumbled against his lips.

"Just one more second," he chuckled kissing me again.

I laughed effectively breaking the kiss. He chuckled while looking at me and shaking his head.

"Always have to get your way don't you Barnes," he commented.

"Why of course I do," I giggled.

"C'mon I know just the place," he said grabbing my hand.

We left the dance hall quickly and pushed our way through the crowded streets. Soon we reached a small park that was practically deserted. I followed Steve to the very centre. We stood there together for a minute looking up at the stars.

"Beautiful," I breathed in awe.

"Yes, but not nearly as beautiful as you," he said with a soft smile.

"Oh, where did the shy boy who was afraid to cook up a conversation with a female that I remember go. Mr Rogers has turned into a sweet-talker now," I teased turning to face him.

"Shut up and let me kiss you," he chuckled rolling his eyes

"Upfront as well. Ooo I like this new Steve," I chuckled, teasing him further.

I brought my lips to his.

"With pleasure Stevie," I mumbled before he connected our lips.

I pulled back just a little bit with yet another teasing smirk.

"Or should I say Mr Loverman as Trixie would say," I added

"Your so lucky I love you," he growled playfully.

I froze looking at him in surprise. His playful smile dropped.

"What?" he asked looking confused.

"You said I love you," I whispered not trusting my voice to go much louder.

His cheeks turned bright pink and he scratched the back of his neck.

"Gee I guess I've been thinking it so much, that it just felt natural to say," he admitted embarrassed.

I giggled at his embarrassment grabbing his collar and pulled him towards me. He stumbled a little surprised by my strength. Oh super soldier serum. Yikes I forgot.

"I love you too, Steve," I confessed when I pulled away.

"Good because otherwise this would have gotten awkward very fast," he chuckled.

"Shut up and kiss me," I laughed pulling him towards me again but with a little less force.

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