1941: The Transformation

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Evangeline POV:

I fiddled with my locket as I waited in the lab. Everything was place and today was the day.

"They're ready for you, Ms. Barnes," Peggy said gently, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Am I really ready for this?" I asked rhetorically, as I stood from my seat.

"Myself and the others who are among us, all believe that you are. The serum will not only give you enhanced strength and speed, it will also enhance your mind that it already incredibly intelligent. You will become the wisest person on Earth, in a physical sense and a technological one." she responded with a confident look, "Wars are won not won by muscle and machinery, but by skill and strategy."

I nodded in agreement and understanding. There wasn't another way to win this. At least not without endangering and losing live of many innocent people.

I changed into the sterile clothing that they have given me. Erskine gestured for me to walk to the strange chair in the middle of the room.

"Gentlemen and the two Ladies, what you are about to witness is the creation of the World's First Super Soldier. The serum that I have behind me was developed to enhance the average human body. This liquid will be injected into this young woman at five various contact points along the body. She will then be exposed to a specialized compound of compressed ions for a short period of time. This will increase her strength, speed, and mental capabilities while allowing her to maintain her bodies current shape," He announced facing the group of people waiting behind a protective glass shield.

They all nodded in approval.

I took a deep breath and started to relax my body and mind. That's the most important part about this: staying relaxed. Freaking out would only cause tension in my muscles which would prohibit the serum from taking it's full effect.

"Are you ready?" Stark asked looking over at me from behind the board of levers that controlled my transformation.

"Whenever you are, Mr Stark," I replied with a firm nod.

"It's Howard but thanks," he stated while turning to the nurses and nodding to proceed with the experiment.

Each syringe contained a blue liquid. One by one I felt the needles break my skin. One went into my neck, one went into each arm and another two went into each leg. I took a long deep breath as the excruciating pain surged through my body.

"AHHH," I screamed in pain.

"You need to stay relaxed, Evangeline," Erskine shouted.

"That's easy for you to say," I grunted out, "You aren't the one being stabbed to death while her blood feels like it's turning into lava."

"You just had to pick a smart aleck," Stark grumbled, "You couldn't just pick one of those ditzy dames."

I rolled my eyes and focused on relaxing. I became hyper aware of the locket pressing against my skin. The needles were removed as the last drop of the serum flowed into my veins.

Just like out of a movie, the massive mental encasing was placed around my body. Now's not a good time to have a panic attack, right?

"This is were relaxing becomes crucial," someone shouted as the top on the case came over my head, "Think about something that relaxes you!"

That was easier said than done. I searched through my mind for something, anything. Then it came to me. Last year's late night picnic and stargazing evening that my school held. Steve agreed to be my date an Bucky agreed to go with my friend Allie. We had a swell of a time. The best part was the stargazing. Steve and I laid there for hours, after everyone had already left, just looking up at the stars.

Bright, white hot beams engulfed me . I imagined the night playing it like a movie in my head. That was the first night I'd realize my feelings towards Steve had not gone away over the years but had gotten a lot stronger. I was perfectly happy with being alone and in love with Steven Grant Rogers.

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