1944: Captain America

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Bucky's POV:

I laced up my boots as I sat on the edge of my bed. A few of the other guys were up but most were sleeping in since we had a break today. There's been a lull in the fighting lately.

"Sergeant Barnes?"

I looked up to see Corporal Jenkins standing by the entrance of the tent.

"Awake and alive," I replied standing up, "What can I do for you Corporal?"

"Your presence is being requested in the war room. We need a report from the last battle," she answered blushing a little.

"This should be interesting," I mumbled to myself following her.

We arrived at the only building in the entire camp. We went inside and headed to the very bottom floor. There, large filing cabinets circled the walls and giant tables with maps on them were set up everywhere. Corporal Carter walked over with her usual brisk manner.

"Sergeant Barnes, glad you could join us," she said with a sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes a little annoyed. She doesn't like me very much for some reason. I don't know why though. She, the General, and I stood around one of the mapped tables. I showed them where the latest troops were, how far we'd pushed them back, and where we think the base is.

"I say we bring the Guardian Angel on this one," the General finally said after a moment of silence.

"What's that gonna do?" I questioned with a frown.

"There's nothing that the Guardian Angel can't solve. That's the only reason you an the other men are sill alive to this day," Carter snapped giving me a sharp look before turning back to the General, "Shall I bring the Guardian in?"

He looked over at me.

"With him here?" he huffed jabbing a finger in my direction.

"I fell that I should be offended," I chuckled under my breath.

The two ignored me and began bickering about it. I rolled my eyes and looked around the large oom. The sound of music off to my right caught my attention. I glanced back at the arguing pair before slipping off to follow it. It le me to a room off to the side with a partially closed door. I pushed it open a little more and peeked inside. There were multiple TV screens set up in it.

"Remember kis, this war won't be won by guns and soldiers alone. There's always something you can do to help out the war effort," a ridiculously cheery voice came from one of the screens.

Standing in front of that screen was Evangeline. She was laughing at it for some reason. I slipped up behind her sliding my arm around her shoulder.

"Hiya love," I breathed.

"Hiya, Buck," she giggled turning her head to peck my cheek.

I smile crept upon my face from her sweet gesture. She turned back to the TV screen.

"That's not fair," I complained, "We don't get TVs."

"Shh, just watch," she laughed smacking my hand playfully.

I chuckled but did as told and looked at the TV. There was a bunch of dancing girls which caught my attention immediately. Then a goofy looking guy walked out in a ridiculous suit that looked like the American flag.

"What is this?" I laughed as he started reciting some lame speech as the girls did a kick-line behind him.

"A propaganda video that's been airing everywhere," she answered, "Captain America."

"You're kidding me right?" I questioned in disbelief.

"The kids love him. He's the new symbol for our nation," she answered with a bright smile.

I rolled my eyes.

"Of course he is," I grumbled under my breath.

She turned towards me. I looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. Her expression mimicked mine as she looked back up at me.

"Are you jealous Barnes?" she teased as a smirk grew on her lips.

"Of course not," I scoffed.

She gave me a knowing look before leaning in and wrapping her arms around my waist. I smirked while mimicking her movements. I've seriously missed having my little sister in my arms.

"Don't ever be jealous, James," she murmured, "It's only a guy in tights."

Those words made me laugh out loud. I forgot how funny she could be. I looked into her electric blue eyes that sparkled. It seemed that she was really happy and content but I knew that deep down she was missing home. Home as in Steve.

"Barnes, and uh-well Barnes," someone coughed behind us.

I groaned looking over my shoulder. The General and Carter stood behind us with unamused look. Evangeline shied her face knowing that herself and I was in trouble.

"We're trying to have a sibling moment here," I chuckled

"We can see that," Carter huffed, "Get back to your unit, Sergeant."

I rolled my eyes and kissed Ev on her forehead.

"I see you around my little pumpkin," I teased before leaving the room, knowing full well she hated being called that.

Evangeline's POV:

As soon as Bucky had left, Peggy raised an eyebrow at me. I looked at the grown sheepishly.

"Let's uh, get back to work," I said clearing my throat awkwardly.

"We need you to look at these maps and formulate the next plan for movement," the General stated before turning and stalking off.

Both Peggy and I heard him muttering under his breath though about hating young soldiers and their ditzy dames.

"You should focus on your work, Evangeline," Peggy warned walking over and glancing at the TV behind me.

I sighed and looked at it too. She hated the idea of Bucky and I being at the same unit. I just don't get it. Captain America had started his speech again with the dancing girls behind him.

"Who the hell is he and how do they make him look so buff?" I questioned with a frown.

"Serium," she answered, "And as for who, you will find out shortly."

I turned and looked at her in shock.

"There are now two super soldiers. You'll meet him, as I just said, shortly," she explained, "His serum was engineered to enhance his strength and seed where as yours was meant to enhance your mental capabilities."

I nodded slowly looking back at the TV screen.

His Guardian Angel [Steve Rogers]Where stories live. Discover now