1941: The Departure

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Evangeline POV:

It came! Oh my goodness, it finally came! My letter from thee Academy. I wanted both my body where when I opened it. I waited excitedly for them both to arrive at the dance hall.

They finally showed up but by the time they did, It was clear that I was bouncing in my seat like a child.

"Well don't you look really sunny," Bucky chuckled sliding into the booth across from me. Steve laughed as he also slide into the booth, but instead he decided to sit next to me.

"Oh shut up. Your just jealous that your little sister has more potential than you. It came!!" I replied slapping the envelope on the table.

"Have you opened it yet?" Steve asked.

"Oh, course not. I needed you two to be here," I retorted with a bright smile.

"In other words, you were too nervous to do it yourself," Bucky teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Can I do the honours?" Steve asked pointing to the piece of paper in front of him.

You eagerly nodded. He picked the envelope up and opened it.

"Dear Ms. Evangeline Rose Barnes," he read aloud in a formal voice, "We are writing to inform you that..."

He trailed off with a horrified look on his face. My eyes widened as my mind instantly came up with every worse case scenario.

"What? What is it?" I blurted out, "Steve what does it say?" I asked nervously.

"You're in," he finally says with a frown.

"Yes!" I cried excitedly.

Neither of them seemed to share my excitement. Steve looked hurt whereas Bucky looked like he was about to break someone's face in. I sighed at their lack of enthusiasm. Reaching across the table. I took their hands causing them to look up at me.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. It's not like I'm going to the frontline yet," I tried to placate them with a gentle smile.

Steve nodded, and Bucky sighed.

"Yet," Steve huffed.

I rolled my eyes and took the letter back from him. I read the rest of it which was a good thing because it included my departure times and a packing list.

Deciding to ignore the boys enthusiastic absence, I left the dance hall to start my packing.

Two days later...

Steve's POV:

Evangeline let me take her suitcase as she got out of the motor vehicle. She bounced on the balls of her feet and barely could sit still. Excitement radiated off her. In her uniform, she looked a little childish. The khaki skirt was a little too long and a little too wide. You cold see where she had to stitch in order to shrink the waist. Her white shirt was also big on her causing it to hang in certain places. Even her hat refused to sit properly.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Bucky asked with a frown as he looked around at the other people waiting to board the train, "I don't know if I like the idea of my baby sister around all these men."

"She can handle herself Jerk," I chuckled even though I had the exact same thoughts as him.

There were girls everywhere but none seemed to be heading the Academy like our girl. They were all sobbing over the guys, begging them to write to them every day. Evangeline scrunched her nose up at the pair who were blubbering over the same guy.

"Smack me if I ever get that bad," she said shaking her head.

"I will," I laughed shaking my head as well.

They started to board. James gave her another tight hug before slipping something in her hand. I stepped back a little to let them have their moment. She then came over to me.

"I guess I'll see you next year," she said with a small smile.

"Yes you will, M'am," I nodded, hugging her.

The hug lasted a littler longer than either of us planned but when we pulled away, I found myself struggling to think of what to say. Just like always. Before I could say something, her soft lips were on mine. I was shocked to say the least but that didn't stop be returning the action. A strange feeling blossomed in my chest and I found it hard to pull away. Finally, she broke the kiss after several perfect seconds.

"I just wanted to do that before some pretty girl snatched you up." she softly said, blushing a little.

"I don't think I could ever look at another girl after that," I admitted tucking a strand of hair that had fallen loose behind her ear.

She giggled, pecking my lips once more. Jesus I could get used to that.

"I'll see you later, Stevie," she murmured against my lips before pulling away and grabbing her suitcase.

She was gone before I could say another word.

"Oh God, I can't believe my best friend and little sister just kissed right in front of me. Twice.," Bucky groaned putting his head in his hands.

"Ah shut up," I laughed clapping him on the back, "Let's get a move on. Your mom cooking tonight?"

"Not for you she ain't," he snorted.

"That's what you think."

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