1945: Schmidt

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Steve's POV:

I headed towards the main compound. The General had called in an emergency meeting. it felt too soon. When I walked in, I was surprised to see Evangeline standing there as well. She had her two closest friends, Jennifer and Trixie, on either side of her. The other two looked liked they'd been through hell and back. Their eyes were puffy and red, their hair sloppily put together, and their uniforms hardly ironed. But Evangeline stood tall with a confident look on her face, her sharp eyes were trained forward. She looked like a statue. I felt myself frown at the sight of her. All I want to do it take her in my arms and remove us both from this nightmare.

"Johann Schmidt is definitely a loony," the General began turning towards all of us, "Not only does he think he's a god, he wants everyone to believe the same. He's starting his reign of demolition with the US."

"His weapons are far more advanced then ours," Howard said shaking his head as he took a seat, "He'll wipe out the entire Eastern seaboard within an hour."

I shook my head examining the documents in front of me. It was a doomsday mission.

"How long do we have?" Gerry asked.

"According to Zola, twenty four hours," he answered, "This is the location of the last base. It's in the Alpes, several hundred feet below the surface."

"So what're we supposed to do? We can't exactly knock on the front door," Johnny said with a frown.

"Why not?" Evangeline and I said at the same time.

The whole room turned to look at us with looks of amazement.

"You have both the Guardian Angel and Captain America at your disposal," Evangeline continued stepping towards me, "It's time we start working together on the front lines. Steve and I can take out a whole army together if we wanted too."

"And that's exactly what we're gonna do," I nodded.

Everyone went silent. Evangeline turned and headed towards the door.

"We'll be ready in ten minutes," she said sharply before leaving.

Ten minutes late, we were both suited up and ready to go. I glanced over at her as we walked to meet the others. Again, she had that confident, yet blank look on her face. Around her neck was the locket i gave her. Unlike before when kept it under her shirt, she now wore it out in the open where anyone could see it. Sure it made me smile.

"Angel, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked her gently, "This is going to be a difficult and dangerous task."

"I will not sit in that room while others fight for me. Not when I have these powers. I was given the serum to protect our country and our men at war. I will not fail again," she answered in a cold and detached tone. This is a tone that I've never heard her speak in, especially towards me.

Her words hit me like a tone of bricks. She blamed herself for Bucky's death. Before I could say anything else, we arrived. Howard gave us new motorcycles that we would use to get close to the base and take out the first line of guards. Once we landed in the Alpes, we all split up. I revved the engine twice to signal to Evangeline. About a hundred yards to my left, she repeated the sound. We headed towards the main entrance of the place. In no time, Hydra soldiers were chasing after us.

"I've got left flank," Evangeline's voice came through my earpiece.

"Roger that," I responded veering to the right.

Stark's new additions to the bikes certainly did the trick. Between fire and clothesline wires, Hydra's men didn't stand a chance. Evangeline and I met up right at the entrance. A tank was waiting for us there. I moved my shield from my back to the front of the bike. She had turned around completely riding backwards to use her suit as her own shield. Two well aimed missiles took care of the tanks.

His Guardian Angel [Steve Rogers]Where stories live. Discover now