1.9K 45 7


D R U N K   F I G H T S  


S O B E R   W O R D S


After swimming around in the marsh, Harley had fallen asleep on the journey back to John B's. Her head had been perched on JJ's lap and her jacket draped over her. He had taken great pleasure in carrying her from the boat into the Routledge home.

Once she had woken up the group decided to bring a keg to the Boneyard and have a mini beach party. As time ticked on the numbers grew and grew and Kiara explained the source of the growing numbers.




Harley already knew the terms Pogues and Kooks. It was the biggest divide and concept within the island. Tourons however, that term was new and had thrown her off for a second. Kiara explained how they were the usual tourists that passed through the island or stayed for a little bit. If their were tourons around and a keg beach party was happening, it was a given that the kids would migrate to the beach and float around Pogues and Kooks.

This was also the first time Harley had witnessed the gang hanging out with separate people. John B was off talking to a pretty girl with long braids. Kiara was with a chilled out looking group preaching about the environment and climate change. Pope, bless his heart, was rambling about life choices and future plans with a small group. Finally, JJ had a spliff hanging between his lips as he twirled Harley around the fire, where others were dancing.

"I didn't know you smoked."

JJ shrugged picking Harley up and spun her. "On occasion."

"What's in it?"

"My good old friend Mary Jane."

"You can smoke somebody's ashes?"

JJ pulled the joint from his lips and laughed into Harley's neck.

"Maybe but that's some weird shit." He held up the small roll. "This. This right here is marijuana, baby."

"Can I try?"

JJ dipped Harley low and held the joint to her lips. She took a drag and puffed out a cloud in JJ's face. She laughed at his expression.

"You're a natural, Harls. Maybe you're truly a Maybank. You've got the skill set and the mind set. And you definitely have the looks."

Harley perked up sending JJ a pleased smile. Her hands ran through her hair and ruffled the ends. "Maybe I should go blonde to match you."

"Nah," JJ shook his head and threw out his spliff. "Dark hair suits you way too much. Plus blondes always die first in horror movies."

Harley's eyebrows crinkled at JJ's humorous but slightly detached correlation. Was he saying life was like a horror movie? "What does that even mean? Is that a proven fact?"

"I don't even know," JJ laughed. "You're too pretty to die. Anyway... do you want a drink?"

"Sure," Harley nodded.

She watched him jump up and head off to wherever the keg was. He disappeared through a cluster of people leaving Harley to smile shaking her head and turn away. Her eyes drifted over the many happy faces around her.

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now