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This morning the Pogues had decided on going to Figure Eight to use the Wi-Fi in some four star hotel JJ worked at, on occasion. They wanted to get a better idea of the map Big John had left them and, of course, check their social media.

Harley had seen this as her chance to go back to the garage and confront Billie on what she had found in the office. For obvious reasons, the group wouldn't have been to pleased, so she decided to trial her improved lying skills, courtesy of JJ himself.

In all fairness, there wasn't much Harley could say that was believable, based on the reality that she spent most of her time with the Pogues or at the garage. Over the year, she hadn't really made any lasting relationships with anyone in the Cut. A few older kids knew her from parties with Rafe and Barry, some kids were cool with her from some of the parties the Pogues attended. A lot of people knew her as John B's pretty, little sister. However, most still referred to her as the Castaway and a lot still thought of her as a Kook.

Maybe it was kind of her own doing. She hadn't made as much of an effort with making friends like she had done with the Kooks. The way bridges had burnt and ties cut with people from Figure Eight deterred her from building brand new connections in the south side. All of her focus went to fixing things with the Pogues and she was happy that she had done that.

So, the only excuse Harley could muster was needing to go to pick up a part for her car that she desperately needed. She went the whole nine yards and made a big deal about her car being unsafe if she didn't get the package and sort it out as soon as possible. She even made sure to mention how the package was not at the garage.

After some hesitancy, John B folded and the group had split and departed.

That's how Harley came to be sat in her baby blue beauty, parked up outside the garage with her heart in her mouth. The closer she had gotten to the garage, the more her nerves spiked. By the time she had parked up her nerves were shot. She had been sat in her seat for nearly fifteen minutes.

"Just go in there, ask about the dodgy file and what Billie knows and then leave. Billie isn't going to hurt you. Yes she knows those square groupers and yes she's hiding things, but she won't hurt you." Harley tried to hype herself up but it wasn't really working, anxiety still a big factor.

The longer she sat there, the more she thought she should have told JJ and brought him along. After all, she was mostly trying to prove a point to Pope. Having JJ beside her, to hold her hand and make light of the situation sounded great.

With her confidence drained, Harley reached to start her car. She'd wait at home for the Pogues to come back.

Out of nowhere, loud knocks wrapped on her window. Harley startled and her keys fell from her fingertips. Her doe eyes and parted lips found Billie on the other side of the glass. Harley took a second to collect herself and settle her heart before she slowly pushed open her door.

"You scared the hell out of me," Harley breathed.

"Are you okay? You seem on edge."

Harley shook her head. Deny. Deny. Deny. She didn't want to appear suspicious before even bringing up that folder.

"Yeah. Sorry. I didn't sleep very much last night, because of JJ." Harley lied, quite proud of herself, until she realised how that may have sounded. Her cheeks flushed red as she spluttered a follow up to dim Billie's cheeky grin. "Not like that! I didn't mean it like that. We were just talking."

"Right," Billie drawled, her eyes teasing and smile widening. "What brings you here? You're not on the rota today."

"I was hoping to talk to you about something."

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now