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Harley jumped seeing John B charging over. The others were behind him and they didn't look pleased. She felt guilty. They might have thought she was ditching them. The last thing she wanted was to make them mad in only a few hours.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Topper beat her to it.

"Hey. How can we help you guys?"

"Harley, come here," JJ motioned for her. She started to shift whilst explaining.

"Topper wanted to buy me a drink. I was going to come back to you guys. I promise."

Topper reached out for her hand and held her in place. "These are the people you're with?" Topper scrunched up his nose. "You're better off with us, over there."

Harley glanced over at a semi rowdy table. Two random boys were looking over, as if analysing the situation.

Tension hung between John B's group and Topper to the point where it felt suffocating. Jaws were clenched, heated glares were exchanged, fists were balled tight. It was as clear as day that there was bad blood here.

Topper didn't look as angry as John B and JJ, nonetheless hostility still danced in his eyes contradicting his smile.

"Um, no thank you. I'm going to go back with these guys." Harley attempted to let go off his hand, Topper's grip didn't loosen.

"We'd be more than happy to let you join us." Topper spoke to Harley, yet his eyes were on John B.

"She said she's fine with us." John B ripped Topper's hand off a very perplexed Harley.

Two of Topper's friends came over. Seeing the two groups face off felt like some sort of gang rivalry or maybe they all just hated each other from school or something.

JJ wrapped an arm around Harley's shoulders and repositioned her beside Kiara.

Topper pushed John B after he had moved his arm away. John B shoved back ready to defend himself.

Topper nodded as if thinking to himself and analysing what John B did, before he stepped forward with a raised fist.

"What's going on here!" A woman walked out from the kitchen in a smart dress. She must have been Kiara's mum and she must have come from an office.

"He's trying to fight us." John B deadpanned pointing at Topper's fist.

"I'm afraid he's lying Mrs Carrera. I was buying Harley a drink and they all came over and ripped her away. Pretty rude if you ask me."

The gorgeous lady looked at Harley who was looking at Kiara completely lost on the situation. She suddenly felt overwhelmed and nervous. Kiara gave her a warm smile as JJ squeezed her shoulder to get her attention. She hadn't realised he was still holding on to her.

Harley looked at him who nodded towards Kiara's mom.

"Is that what happened?" She questioned.

Both boys told the truth, so Harley didn't know what to say. She didn't want to implicate John B.

"Mom," Kiara started. "Topper is lying."

Her mom frowned. "Ok. I don't care what happened. Kiara's dad will be here in a moment. Don't make me get him to throw you all out."

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