E L E V E N🩸

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Blue, beady eyes bore into the side of Harley's face, their owner unrelenting in his stare. Mr Maybank's unhinged dominance suffocated Harley where she sat and so she wondered if this was why JJ spent so much time at John B's. He must have felt suffocated, too.

Did he feel afraid, Harley questioned herself. She had felt a power shift the second Mr Maybank opened the door and it hadn't left since. Her heartbeat had been beating warning rhythms nonstop and her palms had moistened considerably. Harley had to remind herself that Mr Maybank wouldn't hurt her, despite his vibe and appearance, after all he was a dad. Parents didn't hurt their kids, they loved them unconditionally, that's what Big John had told her.

"You still seeing that Rafe boy?"

Finally, Mr Maybank spoke up. Once Harley had walked inside, he had pushed her to sit down whilst getting a glass of water for her. The same glass sat untouched on the small coffee table packed with car parts. She noticed how he didn't use the coasters that were perfectly placed for him to grab, how annoying. JJ's home clearly lacked a woman's touch, the same way the Chateau did and still does, occasionally.

Harley didn't know what to say. She didn't like talking about Rafe and their relationship, but it was worse because she had just been with him. He had helped her.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue." The joking undertone to the statement had been lost.

"No." Harley replied stiffly, fiddling with her hands in her lap. "I'm not with Rafe anymore."

"Probably for the best. A boy like that doesn't need a girl like you." Mr Maybank didn't give Harley a chance to express her offense. "Girls like you, turn into weak women that have families they can't handle."

"What?" Harley stared at the man puzzled. His words felt extremely personal, so much so that she wondered if that had been what happened with JJ's mum. She couldn't handle the family she had, or could she not handle the stifling air that oozed around Mr Maybank.

JJ never spoke about his mother and Harley never asked. John B had mentioned that JJ's mother had left him the same way his own mother had left him. It was one of those things John B had spoken about that Harley couldn't decipher a safe way to respond other than sorry. She had wanted to ask a million questions, like why your mum would abandon you, but she could see the hurt in John B's eyes and thought better of it.

Mr Maybank's laugh felt cruel as his cold eyes mocked her. "Don't worry your pretty, little head about it." His laughter died down, leaving a waning smile. "When's the next time you'll be seeing Rafe or Barry?"

Harley's eyes flittered around as she sat confused. "I'm not with Rafe anymore," she reiterated softly. "And Barry and I aren't friends." She hardly ever saw Barry around the island and when she did, she kept her distance where possible.

"That's not what I asked ya though, is it?" The fake softness in Mr Maybank's eyes faded a little. His hardening stare made Harley shake her head, since he seemed to expect a response from her. "I asked when's the next time you'll be seeing those boys. Not everyone is friends with their dealer, Harley. You must know that."

She did, but Barry wasn't her dealer. She didn't do drugs unless forced to. "I won't be seeing either of them."

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me?"

"I'm not." Harley stopped fidgeting and sat up, finally mustering the courage to look Mr Maybank in the eyes for longer than two seconds. "I'm really sorry, Mr Maybank, but I don't understand what it is exactly you want from me."

There was that laugh again. It made Harley want to shrink away, but instead she feigned a smile and tried to keep her confidence. "Call me Luke. All I'm asking for here, is for you to get me a deal with Barry. That's all. Not hard at all, because I know you still talk to that rich, blonde bastard. I've heard him talking about you."

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