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Harley and JJ sat at the back of the Twinkie whispering among themselves, meanwhile the others discussed how they were going to sell the gold Kiara had tried her best to melt down.

"So, I was thinking about everything with your dad." Harley glanced over at JJ to gauge his reaction.


"I don't think you should stay at home. I get sad thinking about you being there. And, then my heart hurts at the thought of your dad hitting you."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"But, I do."

JJ sighed. He wasn't annoyed at Harley, he knew how caring she could be. He simply didn't want her to pity him or look at him differently, let alone worry about the situation. "This is why I didn't tell you. I don't want you to worry or feel sorry for me."

"I don't feel sorry for you. I just want you to be safe and not go through that alone."

"I'm fine. My dad hasn't bothered me in ages and I'm always with you guys."

"But, what if we ask W-"


"But, we-"

"Harls. I'm okay. Please, don't stress about it." JJ looked like he wanted to kiss Harley, but refrained. "Let's worry about how we're going to improve your lying skills in ten seconds so you can back me up in the pawn shop."

"Back you up?" Harley spluttered. The Twinkie eased to a stop outside a run down building with wooden boards over the windows. "I suck at lying."

"And that, H.R, is why you'll be following my lead."

All of the teens hopped out of the van. JJ had been handed the clump of melted gold and ushered to the front of the group.

"I still don't get why I've been put in charge of trying to sell this mess of gold." JJ looked in Kie's direction and began to tease her. "Like who melted this crap down? They did a crap job. Proper cowboy work here."

"Oh shut up, JJ."

Harley and JJ strolled in first, the rest of the Pogues and Sarah scattered around the shop. An older woman stood behind the counter of the store, eyeing the teens as they filtered in. She looked stern and like she took no nonsense, so Harley was a little worried about how they were going to spin a story about the gold.

"Afternoon ma'am, you're looking spiffy on this fine day," JJ's confident voice filled the store and made Harley smile. JJ was so attractive. "I see you buy gold."

The lady didn't react to JJ's compliment as her eyes went to the big wooden sign by the door.


"That's what the sign says, don't it." She sounded bored and indifferent to their presence. She probably thought they were there to mess her around.

"Great! Well, I sure hope you guys have a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind."

"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it."

JJ dropped his bag on the counter and cockily dropped the melted mess of gold in front of the lady. JJ's smirk grew when he saw Harley fighting a grin.

"How do ya like them apples?"

"That ain't real." The lady laughed. "It can't be."

"It is," Harley disagreed. "Feel how heavy it is."

The second the lady weighed it her amused smile dropped a little, prompting JJ to hand over her magnifying glass for the next test.

"Yeah. Let's get some light on that."

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