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C A S T A W A Y   I N   K O O K' S



It had been a few days since Harley's kidnapping ordeal. She didn't leave the house unless she was with somebody. John had been the one to make that rule, but Harley was more than happy to oblige. She had also started medication for her epilepsy. They tasted grim, but they had to be taken.

Harley still hadn't spoken to the Pogues and contact between her and John B was still at a minimum. She had asked John not to tell his son or the others about what had happened and after a while of dissent he agreed. He still warned them about possible kidnappings though, because Sheriff Peterkin had gotten back to them to let them know that kidnappings had been occurring in the past week and a half across different islands.

The Sheriff had explained that girls with brown hair, around a similar height and appearance were taken and then returned, she wasn't sure who they were searching for but she had suspicions it had to do with Harley. It wasn't a coincidence this started happening a little after Harley washed up on an island, that knowledge did put her on edge.

Rafe had been great in this time and always made it a point to let Harley know she had no reason to feel anxious or scared. She had been spending a lot of time in the north side with the Kooks where they were always showing her a good time and having fun. Usually after working in the garage with Billie, who had somehow heard what happened and was very kind about it, Rafe would pick her up and they'd hang out in Figure Eight.

Today was different.

Harley had snuck Rafe into her room from her back window. He brought smoothies and fries and his laptop, whilst Harley set up a cosy fort with fairy lights Kiara had gifted her and packets of chips and candy.

They had just finished watching their first movie of the evening. Harley lay half on Rafe who had been on his phone since the last fifteen minutes of the movie.

"Do you want to choose the next one?" Harley questioned.


"Okay. I'm going to get a drink."

Rafe didn't want to let go, but Harley managed to wriggle her way out of his cosy hug. She smoothed down her hair ready to leave when a knock on the door made her jump. She shushed Rafe and motioned for him to keep out of sight.

She answered the door. "John B?" Her eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yeah." He lingered not saying anything. "Can we talk?"

Harley hesitated not wanting to have a confrontation or argument.

"It's not bad. I promise."

That relaxed Harley and got her agreeing to talk as long as they went to the main room because she needed a drink. She filled a glass with water and turned against the sink to see John B sat on a sofa. She was unsure whether to sit by him or stay where she stood. It gave for a quick exit in case things did get frosty. John B must have noticed, since he patted the space beside him.

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