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A light, indie cadence thrummed through the Chateau. The walls were bathed in a glowing aureate from the dazzling sun stapled high in the sky outside, the room warm with a summer haze. Two hearts beat wildly. Fingertips danced daringly low along a cotton hem following the curves, dips and swells of silky skin. Soft lips ghosted the arc of a prominent adam's apple, leaving a teasing nip on flesh. A needy groan chased the playful laughter away and elicited a honey coated sigh.


His scent was everywhere. He was everywhere. Being sprawled out beneath him in ruffled sheets sent Harley's body into a frenzy and fogged her mind. Pulling herself out of the pink clouds she fell into came with difficulty. She chewed down on her lip and languidly pressed the attractive blonde kissing along her neck away. Their eyes clashed when JJ gave in and held himself up above her.

"We shouldn't be doing this," Harley murmured. No passion or certitude cemented her words, it was just the right thing to say.

"You say that every time." JJ relaxed his arms with a gentle smirk putting some of his weight on Harley's hands that had been pressed against his bare chest.

Begrudgingly, Harley pulled her hands away and clasped them against her own chest. JJ had grown a fair amount from last summer. Somehow his hair was more golden than it ever had been. His jawline had become more prominent as well as his muscles, any excess puppy fat melted away. He had started working out a little more seriously. When Harley had asked about it, he said it made him feel better, that little bit more protected. He was lean and growing in strength every day. Everything else about JJ definitely hadn't changed, but Harley liked that.

"Two times. This... we've only kissed two times," Harley corrected.

"And counting."

Somehow, he kissed Harley again. Her awareness was annoyingly lowered whenever he was around.

The first time they had kissed Harley had felt like the world was spinning. She hadn't seen it coming. She wasn't fond of surprises, yet that one was welcomed. Harley had been laying in the hammock outside of the front. JJ had come to talk to her whilst John B went to the shop for food and to pick up Pope and Kiara. He decided to get in with her, instead the pair spinning and falling to the floor in a flurry of limbs and silly giggles. They were laid sprawled out chuckling and then JJ had kissed her. Just like that.

The second time, this time, Harley had been mostly to blame. Harley and JJ had been getting on so well. They were close. They had a flirty relationship, mostly on JJ's side, filled with fun and a little chaos. They liked similar things and Harley had told JJ things she hadn't told anybody else. Like Rafe and Barry pressuring her into taking drugs or that she had recognised one of the men that had tried to kidnap her talking to Billie whilst picking up a set of keys and a brown envelope. Harley had gotten a taste of JJ Maybank and wanted to try it again to see how she felt.

She was kind of in love with kissing him and being around him. It made her giddy which was good and bad.

JJ trailed his lips to a tender spot on Harley's neck and rolled his hips down against her.

A loud smack against the door startled Harley and JJ. They hadn't realised the door was left ajar.

Harley's heart froze over as she stared, panicking, at the wall away from the door. JJ stayed hovering over her masking all and any notable features that would tell John B that his sister was currently laid under his best friend.

"Dude!" John B whined loudly. "Close the door next time. I don't need to see this and neither does Harley."

JJ forced a flat laugh, but gave one of his usual responses nonetheless, "My bad. Sorry. I'll put a do not disturb hanger on the door next time. Sacred acts in progress."

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