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Harley had decided she hated relationships. They were more trouble than they were worth. Yes, she was basing this off one and a half experiences, but she couldn't fathom why they were so difficult. Movies and books made it all seem so easy which made no sense. Relationships were annoying, tiring, stimulating, fun little warmth filled gifts.

She groaned. She couldn't make up her mind. She hated relationships, but she really liked the one she had with JJ. Most of the time it was perfect, way more than with Rafe.

It felt like Harley had an automatic mechanism for pissing off whoever she was with. And said partner eventually always made her feel like shit. With Rafe it felt very intentional, she couldn't say the same for JJ.

"What's the matter with you?"

Harley opened one eye too see John B hovering over her. Harley had plonked herself on an uncomfortable chair in John B's room and let her head dangle over the edge.

"Just thinking about everything."

Harley had woken up in the hospital a couple of days ago. Immediately, she had panicked until she saw JJ asleep on her legs and holding her hand. When he had woken up, he explained that the ambulance had decided to take Harley in with John B as she'd had two seizures. They had wanted to keep an eye on her. JJ had also relayed that John B was okay, but he had a broken wrist. After that he had disappeared to get a nurse and never come back.

Turns out not taking your epilepsy medication and constant stress actually had repercussions. After being told she was okay for now, Harley had decided John B's room was now hers and occupied half of his bed. It was her subtle way of marking her territory, whenever Harley was around Sarah backed off. John B could hardly kick her out and the nurses didn't mind as long as they knew where she was. 

"Careful, your head might explode." John B joked. 

"I think it already has," Harley whined.

"Okay." John B sat up. "Let's work it all out. It can't be too complicated."

Harley shuffled to sit on the bed where John B had patted.

"What's up?"

"Well for a start, you had me thinking you were dead." The way John B had been sprawled on the floor,  bits of the wooden railing his body had broken scattered around him, and Sarah Cameron bawling her eyes out. It had been a scary sight. "I think my heart actually stopped when I saw you."

John B grinned like a dopey puppy. "Nice to know you care about me." Harley could only respond with an irked glare. John B's good arm wrapped over Harley's shoulders and squeezed her tight. "You know I'm kidding. I'm not dead. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

Harley would hold onto that promise like it was the most precious thing in the world. John B was her best friend, and the only family she had. She'd lose her mind if he wasn't around anymore. 

"Is that all that's bothering you?"

A moment of silence ensued whilst Harley tried to collect her thoughts.

"I think Sarah's dad knows something about Billie, this Mr Wayne person who owned the garage, and maybe my past."

John B furrowed his brows. "What makes you think that? How do you know?"

"The day of Midsummers, when I was at the Cameron house, I asked Ward if he had known anybody called Mr Wayne. He's like the richest Kook on the island and knows everybody, right? So I thought maybe he'd know. When I had asked, his initial reaction was like I'd caught him out on something I shouldn't know. He denied knowing anyone with that name. But then I found an email on Ward's computer. It was signed off 'F.W'. What if that was Mr Wayne?"

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now