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Hanging around Kooks did teach you something. As a Kook you didn't have a lot to lose, because your parents would bail you out and it would be like you never committed a crime. Another clear cut code was that all acts against you shouldn't go unpunished. Revenge is merely a delicacy to them in the grand scheme of things.

You do what needs to be done.

And that's what Harley was doing. JJ had made similar points and Billie had confirmed them. Rafe had to be dealt with, especially right now whilst she had the confidence oozing from her bones.

Everything that had happened to Harley since she washed up in the Outerbanks and everything she had heard and experienced brought her to this moment. This moment where she knew either way she was in a lot of trouble now, so she'd go out with a splash.

"Remind me again how you got Rafe's car?" Pope asked in between his panicked and disapproving groans at Harley's increasing driving speed. It couldn't even be called driving anymore, she was racing through the streets with a pissed of Rafe tailing her.

She laughed at the raging boy trying to flag her down in the car behind with Kelce. JJ hollered in excitement from the passenger seat. She drifted to the left down a path with only one way to go. Down a board walk.

Harley laughed shifting the car into gear and revving the engine. In true fashion she gave him the bird through the open window before hitting the gas.

It was a crazy idea, absolutely ludicrous, but it would piss Rafe off to no end and that's what she was going for. She'd be damned if she let a boy almost drown her for cheating which was not true. Rafe deserved to lose his car and he deserved to get screamed at some more by his dad. Sucks to have daddy issues when he's all you got, Harley thought.

The car plunged bonnet first into the water.


Stealthily, with bated breath, Harley shut the back door to the Cameron estate as quietly as possible. The mischievous jangle of keys cackled into the air. Harley didn't waste time in dashing to the driveway already hearing Rafe, Kelce and Topper just around the corner. It sounded like her ex-boyfriend was bragging about his car and going to get the keys to show off to his friends. Or so he thought. Harley would be the one showing it off as she kicked up dust with the new tyres and sped out of Figure Eight.

Harley's nerves were shot doing something like this. This wasn't something she had done before, well of what she could remember, which was barely anything. She tapped the key against her palm as she picked up her pace and kept glancing back over her shoulder. She had expected to see a number of people behind her screaming to give the keys back and scolding her, yet somehow she had managed to get this far.

She pressed the unlock button and heard Rafe's car whistle a welcome. Surely, Rafe would have heard the noise. Gnawing on her lip, Harley reached for the car door and swung it open.

At the same time, Rafe came jogging around the corner already calling over, "Hey dad! I can't find my car keys. Do you know..." The words fell silent from his lips as Harley locked eyes with him. "What the hell are you doing?"

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