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I was ready for the best part of the movie. The big event was about to happen making me giddy with excitement when the TV suddenly shut off directing my attention to the bird in the room.

"If you don't turn that back on in the next 5 seconds you are going to have hell to pay"

"We got an assignment" Hawks motioned to a letter

"Im kinda in the middle of something" I scoff

"Other than getting snack crumbs on my couch?"

I grumble getting up to look at the box. We stared at it for a few seconds, "Well. Open it bird brain"

He tore it open skimming through it before sighing, "This is dumb"

I grab it from him reading for myself. It was a list of a bonding exercise a day. There were also blank fill ins to add more to our list, "Lets just get this over with" I roll my eyes, "Name 5 things you like to do"

"Work, eat chicken, eat fried chicken, eat chicken nuggets, and relax"

"Chicken can't be 3 of your things"

"What? I'm hungry" he shrugged, "So, what are your 5 favorite things" he rubbed his chin in thought before smirking, "about me?"

"How easy you are to read, how fast i can crash your inflated as fuck ego-"

"Hey! That's not what I meant"

"Then be specific"

"Fine, what 5 things do you like body?" He gave me his best smolder

"I love how punchable your face is right now"

"Well I love how easily I can call you a bitch"

"At least I don't have an ego the size of japan"

"No instead you have the time management skills of a magpie"

"Yeah, I think we're done here" I toss the paper at him heading into the bedroom shutting the door

"Hey! Thats my room!"

"Sleep on the couch! If you're so damn hungry there is snack crumbs for you to peck at!"

Hawks POV

It had already gotten late and I was stuck camping out on my own couch. I huff looking at the damn paper looking through it again. We were supposed to discuss activities we wanted to do together over this week. Day 1 was already done and over.

I grabbed a pen looking over the blanks. We can just do what I want if she won't cooperate. This whole thing is her fault anyway. I wouldn't mind doing some baking. We could watch a movie. I really like going out on leisurely flights. I miss that. You know what? I deserve a massage too. I scribble a few things down into the schedule feeling satisfied with myself before laying down to try to get some form of sleep.

Waking up i feel a pillow smack my face, "Move. I want to finish my movie"

"I was sleeping thanks"

"And now you're in the way, also you called me a Magpie last night. They are highly intelligent birds thank you. You suck at insults"

"Its the first thing I thought of" I mutter my defense getting up. My wings felt cramped and my back was sore. I'm so going to make her pay for this one way or another.

She had no problems shoving me over to finish her film. Her eyes caught on the paper from last night, "Whats this?"

"We were supposed to fill in shit so I did"

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