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I wake up groggy. My mouth felt dry meaning I need to get some water. I sit up only to cringe feeling I was still in my dress. Fortunately my heels were removed. I also noticed that the back of my heels were bandaged since my shoes rubbed them raw last night.

I rub my eyes and see Hawks across the room folding laundry.

"Hey Hawks?"

He perked up, his wings seemed to tense as he looked over at me, "Yeah?"

"Im sorry... for everything. These past few months have been a nightmare cause of me"

He sighed heavily tossing the clothing he was working with aside to sit on the other side of the bed, "Its both our faults. I was kinda a jackass too"


"How are you feeling? You passed out last night while I was walking"

"Im ok. A little thirsty but thats it. No headache"

"Those shoes you wore really did a number on your heels"

"They weren't broken in yet. The alcohol stopped the pain though"

"You should be more careful. I'm glad I carried you back. I can only imagine how bad it would be if you had walked that"

"I appreciate it"

"You should get changed and go take off your makeup"

I get up with a hiss feeling the pain in my feet. I go change in the bathroom and take off my makeup but stop when looking at my thigh.

I stared at the dark hickey. Where did I?...oh shit. Oh yeah. I get my shorts on and head back to the room. After getting some water to chug down. Hawks finished the last of his laundry. I met his eyes but let them wonder down curiously to his neck. I could see the bite mark barely peeking out of the collar of his shirt.

He looked confused until the realization hit him and he pulled up his collar more to hide it with a shy flush, "Last night huh?"

"Yeah... sorry about that" I sit on the bed unsure what to do with myself

He joined me sitting next to me, "Im sorry about the same" he eyed my thigh

"Its fine"

"Today is our last day living together"

"Anything in particular you want to do?"

"I don't know" he shook his head. He had a small smile. I heard him gulp and click his tongue, "We uh...are on social media"

"I figure, after what happened last night"

He pulled out his phone that already had the post up. There were photos of us wrapped around eachother, coming out of the back room, and one of me asleep on his back when he was packing me home. Finally a video of us at the club during the whole interaction.

"There is a lot of comments already. Something I see a lot is uh... people saying we don't know how to kiss"

He scrolled a few comments about it. Many noticed I turned away from the kiss. Some say its cause I was shy but most say we just didn't kiss. A few questioned our relationship status.

"That's frustrating"

"We should post a video update addressing last night. Clear both our names"

"That's a great idea" I smile at him

"Great" he started pulling up his phone camera.

"Wait wait, I don't have any makeup on"

"You don't need it. You're fine"

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