Getting close

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"Mmm. Right there" he hummed

"Shut it" I huff digging my thumbs into his shoulders making him hiss

"Not so hard Damnit"

"Stop complaining"

"You're half-assing it"

"I don't know how to massage" I huff

"You give a sucky shoulder rub too apparently" I dig my nails into his shoulders making him squirm. "OK OK, I'll shut up"

I sigh putting a little more effort into the shoulder rub. His muscles are so tense. He won't relax so I feel like I'm not making any progress. Heat can help. As long as I'm careful.

I raise the temperature of my hands a few degrees. He twitched but didn't complain. This works as good quirk practice. My heating ability is harder to control but if I keep the temperature low it will be fine.

I could feel him starting to relax and he shivered and twitched every time I found a knot.

"H-harder please" he kept his head down.

I oblige and feel him practically melt under my hands, "Like that?"


"If you lay down on the floor I can pop your back"

He hummed standing up from the couch and laying on the floor. His wings sprawled out across the floor. I straddled his lower back before carefully running 2 fingers down each side if his spine. I need to see if he has any knots or anything that could cause damage.

Once I reached the point in his spine between his wings his whole body twitched. His wings snapped closed, arms tucked under his body and his head craned to look at me with a clear flush on his face.


"So sensitive aren't you" I huff finally standing and using my hands to crack his back using my body weight to help the process.

I pushed down and heard quite a few good pops and Hawks groaned.

"Shut up, don't make this weird"

"Sorry, it feels good" his face was tinged red

I pop a few more with similar results before sitting back down on him to gently rub his back and work out a few more knots. His wings keep getting in the way so I could really only get a small strip of his upper back and his lower back.

"There, done" I give him a light pat on the shoulder before getting up.

Hawks POV

I feel sleepy. I try to fight my heavy eyelids but it was a losing battle. I'm still laying on the floor. I can hear her turn on the TV. Maybe if I just shut my eyes for a second. I can keep awake by listening.

I wake up feeling something nudge my leg. I finally look over to see (Y/N) kicking at my leg to nudge me, "Come on birdy, i need to know where your dry sake is"

"Top of fridge cupboard" I sigh barely awake

"I can't reach up there, do you have a stool?"

"Countertop?" I sigh

"Not even going to help?"

I grunt and bury my face in my crossed arms.

Not 10 minutes later I smell the familiar scent of chicken. I get up realizing I'm starved. My mouth is watering. I get up and wonder to the kitchen seeing her cooking.

She grabbed a spoon about to try the broth of her dish, "Can...I try it"

She flinched slightly but raised an eyebrow at me, "I thought you didn't want to help. You've been sleeping on the floor for hours"

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